Anonymous ID: ee6419 Feb. 10, 2019, 9:53 a.m. No.5107550   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7563 >>7590 >>7641

Why are there so many Jew hating Shills here?


These Shills are Iranian SAVAK, mossad, cair, hamas, hezbollah, muzziebrotherhood…and a few skin heads.




The United States is Iran’s “number one enemy” and Tehran will never succumb to Washington’s pressure over a multinational nuclear deal, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said in a televised speech on Thursday. ~November 2, 2017


Feb 08, 2019~Iran to Keep Chanting 'Death to America' - but It's Just Against Trump, Leader Says


Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei says the people won't stop chanting the slogan as long as Washington continues its hostile policies.


"As long as America continues its wickedness, the Iranian nation will not abandon 'Death to America'," Ayatollah Ali Khamenei told a gathering of Iranian Air Force officers marking the 40th anniversary of Iran's Islamic Revolution, according to his official website. 

Trump pulled out of Iran's 2015 nuclear deal…


"'Death to America' means death to Trump, (National Security Adviser) John Bolton, and (Secretary of State Mike) Pompeo. It means death to American rulers," Ayatollah Khamenei said. (False: The chants are directed at all Americans-never forget that. 9/11 proved that.)


November 5, 2018~Louis Farrakhan, Nation of Islam leader, leads 'Death to America' chant in Iran


Why won't more Dems denounce Louis Farrakhan's hate speech?

Alan Dershowtiz reacts to the Democrat Party's reluctance to condemn Farrakhan.


Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, a notorious anti-Semite who recently compared Jewish people to termites, led a "Death to America" chant Sunday during a solidarity trip to Iran.


Farrakhan's trip came ahead of the Trump administration's re-implementation of U.S. sanctions against the Islamic Republic on Monday.


Donald Trump Jr. slammed Democrats Monday on Twitter.

“When will the democrats disavow this guy? Answer: NEVER,” Trump Jr. tweeted.


Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz called on “all decent people” to condemn Farrakhan after he tweeted he wasn’t anti-Semite but “anti-termite.”


"Nazis use the word 'termites' to dehumanize Jews and accuse them of destroying everything good about the world," Dershowitz explained on "FOX & Friends."


“A new low for arch Jew-hater Farrakhan,” Boteach tweeted. “Who has heard of an American going to a foreign country and chanting ‘Death to America?’ Where is Bill Clinton who appeared with him recently, and Barack Obama, photographed with him, and Cory Booker to condemn him?”


Farrakhan has previously said “powerful Jews are my enemy” and “white folks are going down.”


Linda Sarsour, a Women’s March co-founder and pro-Palestinian activist, has repeatedly praised Farrakhan and refused to condemn him. Tamika Mallory, another Women’s March leader, called him the “GOAT” or “Greatest of all time,” and served as a national organizer for his “Justice or Else” rally in 2015.


“A new low for arch Jew-hater Farrakhan,” Boteach tweeted. “Who has heard of an American going to a foreign country and chanting ‘Death to America?’ Where is Bill Clinton who appeared with him recently, and Barack Obama, photographed with him, and Cory Booker to condemn him?”


DOJ says Iranian hacking spree hit hospitals, other entities in 43 U.S. states.

The three-year ransomware campaign hit at least 200 victims in the United States, collecting more than $6 million in extortion payments and causing more than $30 million in losses


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