Next week Boom Boom. Pic related. Q
We live in a crooked and corrupt masonic police state. There were no police in the Republic and the Republic cannot be restored without eliminating the police.
Gun registration laws are not constitutional. It's unlawful to license a right. Add marriage, driving, auto registrations, fishing, hunting etc. etc. etc.
She's doing a triathlon today in Virginia. You cant tell it's her coz she's wearing blackface.
How about a 6 am raid at Marine Bob's house on camera at CNN?
The nightshift "Latin" faggot is a confirmed shill FYI.
I'll be hitting the firewater early today.
"Ruthie" just voted on the abortion law, vote was 5-4.
Cal is now taxing pot sales at around 24% and slowly killing the new industry, which was thriving until the 2018 laws.
Predict both will be gone before Trump is done.
CFPB fraud is supposed to take her down for realz?
She just voted on the abortion law, vote was 5-4.
Actual fulfillment of a Q post would be a first.
Same with Germans. Cowed. Not good.
Or own a gun, or marry, or own a car or house without paying govt etc etc etc.
Some perceptive actors will realize which is the right side of history. Most are brain-dead dummies or crooked, but some are not.
Her tribal name is Drinks Beer Bottle.
The only thing she can beat is random cock.
I'd like to see Trump express sympathy for her death before it is made public. That would be Troll Level Kek.
Masonic shill heard from… The police are the #1 Enemy of the People. Eliminate the police. there were NO police in the Republic, open carry solved problems.
Btw, you are NOT required to carry or have an i.d. That's a masonic lie.
She won't be writing any opinions, just casting a vote for or against.
Well, at least now you've confirmed why you avoid mass media. Here's why I do.
Philippians 4:8 King James Version (KJV)
8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
You can in Cal, but it's better indoors, coz people will steal it unless your yard is very secured.
Salvini appears to be Trumpian without all the fucking libtard problems we have.
Indentured Servants are the student loan debtors.
Police are the Enemy of the People, the thuggish street gang of the crooked masonic govt.
Eliminate police. Restore the Republic. Open carry.
The only person stupider is Ed Gillespie, my old college mate who refused Trump's assistance in the race for VA Governor. So much fail.
Agree 100%. Avoid pills too. The dumbing down by calcifying the pineal gland. Let food be thy medicine.
Top Kek
Roberts is def a problem. Bush-related.
Cops SHOULD be disarmed, they cause the most problems in society as a group by far.