Anonymous ID: 36efd0 Feb. 27, 2018, 11:45 a.m. No.511967   🗄️.is 🔗kun


In the words of ME. I've heard we can't you can't in the name of national security for 38 years. I'm done with taking that as an ANSWER TO EVERYTHING. wait have patience trust and we are doing something behind the scenes. Are common responses. What has it ever produced? What we are uncovering, been through it endure right now is the only things I have witness these common responses produce. It sure isn't currently orin the past produced ACCOUNTIBILITY, security or restoration of pur rights liberty and country. Just think about that. I'm not accusing Q Anons or these boards of anything. I'm saying this isn't producing anything of change because there's nothing being done right now that we can see. Seeing so, blind trust, after 3 months, is gone for me. I'm not the only one, but I speak for me not others.


If Q potus sessions OR OTHER Governement officials are to be trusted then in the name of NATIONAL SECURITY & AMERICAN FIRST do something that changes things on the ground. After 13 months for potus and 3 mths for Q, nothing has been secured or keeps us safe. Im postive Veags, chitches and parkland people dont feel safer.


LOOK, PROMISES are awesome. Yet the premise of all of this is built on wait, trust and insult anyone else who doesn't agree. Nothing is changing on the ground.

We are told it's happening behind the lines with no changes on the ground is simply defined as nothing happening that is going to change things in the ground. What is this a generational waiting PERIOD? ARE ALL OF YOU GOING TO WAIT THAT LONG AND KEEP LOOSING WHILE WAITING?


Exposure of evil is awesome and thank you Anons and Q FOR IT. If that's all this is great. Promises for ACCOUNTIBILITY and none come. Doesn't make those of us who have waited our lifetime skeptical, any less of a patriot than those who trust and continue to wait.


I HAVE MY GOD GIVEN RIGHTS OF LIBERTY & AS AN AMERICAN i can be part of any discussion I choose. Thats my 1st ammendment. Don't want me too is a decision everyone else has the right to make but why is a problem.


Keep us devided based on party identity politics or different thoughts or ideas. Is our countries problem of many others. This isn't a classified security information forum. It's a forum for research, ideas and our thoughts. Right? Of it's turned into a childish place of high school antics of clicks that demean others not in thiers, that isn't Americanism, therefor everything built on that approach, Won't result in Americanism.


I have gone through this all my life not just this President or Q. We can get the work done, the research revealed, and become unified in it's truth, and things have to stop change or be publically challenged and addressed. Surely that's the result everyone hopes to get too, Right? Why else be Here?


Excluding people who demand ACCOUNTIBILITY but being told if you do, your not allowed to be part of this discussion is an oxy moron and unacceptable. You want Americanism but then eclude Americans who don't agree on everything. Then you want trust from anons but wont accept trust is a 2 way street that requires free flow of traffic so there's no traffic Jam.


I don't make apologies for being out of patience. I also don't apologize if what I say offends anyone. If in the name is security you can't publically reveal the things Anons and Q are revealing. How can you have any security Then? If you don't do it for NATIONAL SECURITY, then how can it be trusted anytjikng done will restore our security, safety and liberty?


I speak the truth and if theres a problem with it, it's with the truth not with me.




Hmm, what does that sound familiar?