The Clowns in America take Reverse Speech seriously:
The Clowns in America take Reverse Speech seriously:
This is what opened my eyes back in the 90's. It has a foolish title (too bad-might have been read by more) but was put together by some well known law officers in the militia movements of the 80's-90's. What convinced me was reading the words and plans of the globalists out of their own mouths from public sources. It is still a great read for those just getting started in 'waking up'. It has been a lonely slog the last 25 years. "Operation Vampire Killer 2000" (yeah, this "plan" has been running for decades.
Although NOT very professionally done, this reversal of davxx hoxg gives enough reversals to open a gold mine to a reverse speech professional. Hoxg is revealing a ton of subconscious information here. Heroin/meth in the sheriff's drawer/satan/lines of pussy to be given to hoxg, etc.
The Clowns take Reverse Speech seriously. Do a search on clownIA and Reverse Speech by david john oates. It is open source in their own db.