See this is what enrages me. We have been lied to our whole fucking lives and our generations before us. The government is not our friend. The president is always selected. The two party system is a sham that goes back and forth from dem to repub with us hating one side then the other. This is the simple basic fucking fundementals of being "Woke" as you faggots like to call it. I see people asking where all the true anons are going? Probably back to pol away from getting censored or being called bots or trigger happy BO's banning any disent. You are banning dissent just like fucking commies. People want to see the shilling regardless of its effects. The moment someone else starts deciding what we can see and what is the truth we lose. Q has moved many times because of self righteous faggots who believe they know best.
The concern is real and you burying your head in the sand and screaming Shill Bot is not a fucking argument. You should be glad to ease the concerns of a worried patriot and recruit them to your side with Q graphics and easy to digest side by side infographics right?
That's not what I'm seeing. I'm seeing a bunch of infighting and arguing instead of unity. A concerned patriot needs reassurance. We need to know we are on the right path and not getting larped to the max. Simple proofs assembled like Q said to do is the KEY to keeping the movement going imo. Banning concerned patriots hurts the movement more than letting a shill get a post in. There's a reason you guys had to make a War is messy thread. This is a huge public movement and many, many different people on a million different levels of awareness are coming here. The message cannot be GTFO SHILL. It should be here is your proofs that are undeniable and recent. The few side by sides of the BDT NY connection, Hawaii missile crisis are good but more is needed. I think the clock explanation needs re explained and we need a tutorial in the bread always on how to read the clock explanation and LEARN THE COMMS. It feels like we are so far in yet still haven't learned how to read his crumbs.
t. Not a bot you faggot. You sound like CNN.