Anonymous ID: 686bd5 Feb. 10, 2019, 2:11 p.m. No.5110914   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q team


Sitting here right now I honestly can't imagine all the years that you've tirelessly worked.

All the pain that you've carried.

All the choices you've been faced with day in and day out.

All the knowledges and nightmare realities that have inevitably haunted your dreams. All the blows you've taken physically or otherwise.

The risks you've taken, The friends you've inevitably mourned and buried in total silence.


The rest of us now owe you all a life debt…there is no way to possibly deny that. And not just because of the work that you've done for our sake from the shadows but because even while you were fighting the seemingly undefeatable foe you reached out…and as a result of this board and many of us have refound some thing we thought lost to ourown heart's forever. The ability to wake and fight for what we BELIEVE IN…even if just in small meme's again.


Who ever would have thought that WWG1WA and this crazy little corner of the internet could make disparate rabble into something so cohesive. Into a stronger We The People again. But that's what we are now…for better or worse…despite our bumps our scars and our various minor differences


We trust the plan, Boss.

We are the plan.

We know why we're here as - what you ultimately need us to do

Don't worry for your country men when the truth comes out. We have that watch.

We will look out for our brothers and sisters with as much compassion and strength as we can.


The things you've all carried around for so long may burn a bit once finally revealed in the light of day…but that fire will be healing

Disclosure may press a weight on our collective shoulders yes…

But the good news? Time heals. And the nation's shoulders are broad enough to bear that burden.


Give em hell Guys.


For as long as it takes.

And also? We all owe you all a beer of your choice at the end.