Anonymous ID: 37048e Feb. 10, 2019, 2:20 p.m. No.5111105   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1780 >>1794

Discussion has occurred about Q or Qanon helpers posting as regular anon’s for many months. One anon asked ‘how can you tell which is which?” Several anons have spoken to this, stating; the voice used, wording, time stamps, etc.


I’ll provide 1 example that is VERY pertinent to past and current events; it concerns the LA Military Op. If I were a betting anon, I’d mortgage the house.


FIRST EXAMPLE: ID # 36bda9 = 3, 6, 9 (ref. from Q post 2681 ? )


FIRST POST: >>5105393 (Pb) Excellent maps of LA subways. Poster ref’s to Pb showing pictures of boarded up building at 1138 Willshire Blvd. Poster comments on this and then ADDS new information:


>>5103948 (Pb)

Excellent recon work LA fag


>Photos from today show fresh plywood covering the doors and windows documenting that they were forcibly



forcibly exfiltrated

We know how the troops got out. How did they get in? new mission LA Fag. Scout the back and other side of the building for evidence of breach. Absent any I'm thinking tunnels.


Poster changes anons “entered” to red for emphasis and then REPLACES it with “forcibly exfiltrated”. Poster is stating that the damage to building was from “exfiltration” only and that they gained entry through subway tunnels. Poster then goes on to give us the means to prove this, i.e., to scout the back of the building. If there is no damage, then, ENTRY WAS MADE THROUGH THE SUBWAYS.


SECOND POST >5105442 (Pb) Poster is replying to another anon:


>>5105402 (Pb)

hence the hazmat looking gear. like a mofo


This is in reference to the tunnels/subway systems. Poster THEN links LA event happening on the same night as the SOTU and pertinent reference in POTUS statements that described the LA military OPs. >>5105503 (Pb)


▶Anonymous 02/10/19 (Sun) 07:05:47 36bda9 (5) No.5105503

>>5105402 (Pb)

>>5105432 (Pb)

Same night as >>5105478 (Pb)


>>5105478 (Pb) Poster states:


Random thought. What if you were being trafficked at 1138 Wilshire Blvd and you see loads of men in hazmat gear. You brace for the worst but then you realize they are American soldiers who came down from the sky, from heaven?

>Judah says he can still remember the exact moment, nearly 75 years ago, after 10 months in a concentration camp, when he and his family were put on a train, and told they were going to another camp. Suddenly the train screeched to a very strong halt. A soldier appeared. Judah’s family braced for the worst. Then, his father cried out with joy: “It’s the Americans. It’s the Americans.”

>A second Holocaust survivor who is here tonight, Joshua Kaufman, was a prisoner at Dachau concentration camp. He remembers watching through a hole in the wall of a cattle car as American soldiers rolled in with tanks. “To me,” Joshua recalls, “the American soldiers were proof that God exists, and they came down from the sky. They came down from heaven.”


How obtuse is THIS connection? IMO, very.



LA WAS A MILITARY OP. Entry into buildings made through subway system and/or dug tunnels. Human trafficking victims WERE RECOVERED. Was this what POTUS handed NP at SOTU? KEK!


I am but a humble grey-lurker putting in dues to help this cause. I have spotted Qanon helpers/ Q on many occasions. I look for, in this order:


A. Subject matter – Obtuse, a divergent fact

B. ID # and (numbers of posts)

C. Quality of graphics generated

D. Use Ctrl f to search for all posts with that ID and apply the above.

E. Based on the above, make my best guess.


In the end, it can only be a guess, but many times, a guess I’d mortgage the house on.


Try your hand. Look at:

▶Anonymous 02/10/19 (Sun) 07:30:12 83c4ef (5) No.5105689 [ = 17 AND 17]

>>5105514 (Pb) [15]

Possible. The Wells Fargo bank?