Anonymous ID: cc6509 Feb. 10, 2019, 2:18 p.m. No.5111074   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1117 >>1183 >>1227





Follower since roughly April, first time poster on this board. I'm obviously aware you read us on here so I have been ruminating on how to put this for a while know. I want to make my case effectively, respectfully, and not come off as too self-serving. I am humbly yours in this request.


All of us here have accepted that Pedo shit and satanism runs rampant among the elites in government, media, finance, and most if not all areas of powerful influence. The corruption runs rampant. The part where I am taken aback on a personal level is the Media. By craft, I am a musician and multimedia artist/designer. I have a lot of talent at what I do and am sacrificing all else to make myself into something with my Godgiven talents and work ethic. I'm going to do big things, especially starting in the next 18 or so months. I'm not trying make it sound like I'm important or anything. No, it's that, given what I know now, success in my domain comes with a big burden now. I want to have integrity and still get what I deserve through my hard work. Donald Trump making himself into what he is without becoming compromised is another reason I admire POTUS and is something I want to, no need to, model myself after. The idea that most people in Hwood/media get there by being sychophants to such monsters or are monsters themselves is a hard redpill to swallow. While I am not an actor or journalist, my trade is adjacent to such fields. Media, in the sense of consumed content, would be the most effective term to put it broadly. I've worked with bands, filmakers, mom/pop business, music festivals, tattoo artists, corporations. Kind of a jack of all trades.


As DJT influences me for the reason stated about, my biggest influence as an artist and musician would be Bob Dylan. Not sure if you're a fan. But not many people realize too that he is sort of one the first self-made men in music. He also didn't ride trends. My absolute love of music and visual arts knows know bounds, but now there is fear in applying it. And I also fear that heartbreak lies ahead for me as well, finding out hero's of mine have tasted the forbidden front and thus relinquished their humanity in the pursuit of empty success and power. If Bob Dylan is/was a pedo, just using him as an example for me, I think I would lock myself up in my room with a few bottles of whisky for a weekend and probably not talk to anyone for a week thereafter. This brings me to my point. That's how powerful art is. We cherish the art we love. We project our lives onto it and it helps us to understand ourselves. It heals the weariness of our souls. I think of a quote from, not sure about this man anymore even but, Winston Churchill: When asked by the British politicians to cut funding for the arts during WW2 his response was, "Then what the hell are we fighting for?" and i think this is true for the whole of life.


So my request is this, this purge must take place not just in our govt but in our cultural figures as well. Pedos do not deserve something as divine as the arts and they must be known publicly. There's many young people like me who live and breath this stuff and who dream to live their lives by it. It's a peaceful life, please open their eyes for their own good. Most of the time they're very impressionable, as being an artist you kind of have to be a sponge in a way.


Another note on Bob Dylan, he, born a Jew of all things, very publicly converted to Christianity at what could be considered the height of his powers, was kind of ridiculed for it, and went on to record 3 gospel albums in a row anyways. Makes me think he's one of us. Someone like me, someone with talent and the desire to use it for good rather than evil.

Anonymous ID: cc6509 Feb. 10, 2019, 2:35 p.m. No.5111408   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I get most my shit from Q, I stopped listening to all the fags with irrelevant opinions on youtube a long time ago.


As far as new artists go, believe me, you're going experience shit beyond your wildest dreams.