Anonymous ID: 1b31d4 Feb. 10, 2019, 2:57 p.m. No.5111804   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1819 >>2133 >>2313 >>2393 >>2510



President Putin calls for more efforts to push political process in Syria forward

” We have to exert more act to continue pushing the political process forwards in Syria and to have diplomatic political settlement for the other crises,” Putin told the Russian diplomats on their annual day according to a statement by Kremlin.


US occupation troops hinder humanitarian aid access, refugees in al-Rukban camp living in miserable conditions

Thousands of Syrian refugees due to terrorism in al-Rukban Camp suffer from miserable conditions that could be considered as a humanitarian catastrophe where the US occupation troops in violation of the international law impose control over the surrounding area of the Camp and prevent the delivery of the humanitarian aid to the refugees. The refugees in the Camp located in al-Tanf area on the Syrian-Jordanian borders live inside tents, most of which are made of plastic or ragged fabrics according to World food Program and what worsens the situation is the presence of the US troops there as they hinder relief assistance convoys, which are prepared by Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) in support and coordination with the Syrian Government, from accessing to the Camp.

The Syrian Government within its efforts for alleviating the suffering of the citizens held as hostages inside the Camp has facilitated in cooperation with SARC the arrival of a convoy consisting of 133 trucks laden with relief materials including vaccines for measles, polio, hepatitis and tuberculosis.


ISIS Cells Ambush Kurdish Forces Convoy In Northern Deir Ezzor

Unknown gunmen, who are believed to be members of ISIS, ambushed a convoy of the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in the northern Deir Ezzor countryside on February 10, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

In details, several gunmen riding motorcycle opened fire at a convoy of the Kurdish group while it was passing on the road between the towns of al-Sad and al-Rubiydah. The convoy returned fire. However, all attackers managed to escape.


Military Situation In Syria On February 10, 2019 (Map Update)

ISIS attacked SDF positions in the area of Omar oil fields. 10 ISIS members were reportedly killed;

YPG-affiliated units released a new statement claiming attacks on Turkish-backed forces in the Afrin area on February 6 and 7. According to the statement, 7 militants were injured and 2 vehicles damaged;

Clashes between the SDF and ISIS in the Euphrates Valley come amid reports about negogiations between the sides;

Syrian Army rocket launches shelled Hayat Tahrir al-Sham positions in the area of Bubaline in southern Idlib;

Anti-US protests continue across the SDF-held prarts of Deir Ezzor and Raqqah province.


Have Islamic State’s Jihadists Joined Al-Nusra Front in Syria’s Idlib?

Interesting read use link



Anonymous ID: 1b31d4 Feb. 10, 2019, 2:58 p.m. No.5111819   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2133 >>2313 >>2393 >>2510



Hezbollah Is Buying US & British Military Equipment From Free Syrian Army

Lebanese Hezbollah is buying US- and British-made military equipment from former Free Syrian Army (FSA) commanders in southern Syria, the UAE-based Orient TV reported on February 9.

The equipment bought by Hezbollah reportedly includes US-made TOW anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs) and UK-made thermal surveillance systems. According to Orient, these equipment were not handed over to the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) under the reconciliation agreement.


Iranian Ambassador: Tehran backs Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity

“The mutual visits of senior officials in the two countries during the last period came in a higher mode as the current conditions, witnessed in both countries, require intensified efforts,” Turk-Abadi said in a press conference held in Damascus on the 40th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic revolution in Iran. “Iran backs Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.”


Map Update: Military Situation In Afrin Region And Idlib De-Escalation Zone


Militants Attack School In Northern Hama Triggering Fierce Response By Syrian Army

“Terrorist groups based in the town of al-Lataminah targeted the town of Asilah with two rockets … Both fell on the wall of the town’s high-school causing material damage only,” the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reporter said. He added: “the attack occurred when the students were attending their daily classes.”

This dangerous attack triggered a heavy response from the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), that shelled many positions of the militants in the towns of al-Tamanah and Sukayk in southern Idlib and in the towns of al-Lataminah, Kafr Zita, Hisraiyah, al-Sakr and al-Zakah in northern Hama.


Senior Kurdish Leader: We Were Forced To Seek Help From Moscow & Damascus

We don’t think that this is a good scenario and we don’t want it, if we allow the region to take over our border this will mean the failure of the democratic project, which we built,” Ilham Ahmad told American news outlets.

The Kurdish leader added that the withdrawal decision has forced their council to choice between “Turkish tanks” and “the deployment of regime forces on the border.” Ilham went on to claim that the decision will isolate Kurdish forces.

“The most important thing for us is receiving guarantees that our region will not be attacked by anyone and that the U.S. partners [Syrian Kurds] will not face a massacre,” Rudaw quoted Ilham as saying.


Syrian Army Sends More Reinforcements To Frontlines In Lattakia, Hama And Aleppo

These developments indicate that the SAA is preparing for a possible escalation in the demilitarized zone around the governorate of Idlib. The zone was established last year under a Russian-Turkish agreement.

Earlier this week, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova revealed Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), Horas al-Din and other terrorist groups are considering creation of a unified command in order to start preparations for a large-scale military operation against government forces.



Anonymous ID: 1b31d4 Feb. 10, 2019, 3:06 p.m. No.5111975   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1983 >>2133 >>2192 >>2313 >>2393 >>2510

What Was Old Is New Again In Gun Control Proposals


Fayetteville, AR – -( Kamala Harris, U.S. senator from California and declared candidate for president in the 2020 race, has come out supporting universal background checks on the sales of firearms. This is unsurprising, given her statements on the subject, and as a district attorney, she participated in an amicus brief to say that the District of Columbia’s de facto ban on handguns was not a violation of the Second Amendment, as well as calling for further restrictions on the types of semiautomatic firearms that residents of her state could own legally.

Haven’t we been here before? Gun control suffers from an inability to come up with anything new, since the concept is nothing more than a desire to limit what the law-abiding may do.


Harris, as said above, is running for president, and she’s in a crowded field, creating what I assume to be the sense that she needs to stake out a position that appeals to the Democratic base.


The party, having taken control of the House of Representatives, is toying with the subject, holding a hearing advertised as the first about gun violence since 2011. The focus was mostly on the experience of gun violence victims, though Matt Gaetz, a Republican representative from Florida, introduced a non sequitur about the supposed threat of immigration and his perception of a wall as a solution. I’m glad to see that Joyce Lee Malcolm, Patrick Henry Professor of Constitutional Law and the Second Amendment at George Mason University School of Law, was invited to testify. Her book, Guns and Violence: The English Experience, should be read by any supporter of gun rights, given its look at the history of gun ownership and carry in England and the subsequent gun controls that curtailed rights without reducing rates of violence. Her testimony covered facts that readers here will be familiar with, namely the spread of shall-issue carry policies to many states, the lack of a duty on the part of the police to protect ordinary Americans, the usefulness of guns in self-defense, and the inability of background checks to stop criminals from obtaining firearms.


How much the members of the committee or the people in the audience listened is anyone’s guess, though the partisan divide has created selective hearing across the aisles, making some facts cherished friends while others are treated as abominations.


And this is a key challenge that we face over the next two years and into the next presidential term. I expect to see Democratic candidates fall over themselves to present the purest image of a control advocate, and I equally expect that nothing in it will have anything to do with actual safety. The call for universal background checks that Harris tweeted out is an example of feel-good proposals. Criminals get guns from stores that break the law, from people they know on the street, and from stealing, and background checks won’t change that.


You, dear readers, already know this. What we need to do is explain things to people who aren’t aware. The tribalism that I referred to above means that many won’t listen, but there are some who can be swayed by the facts—all the facts—and we only need to win over small numbers for now to keep the balance in favor of gun rights. Over time, of course, we need broader support, but that can be the summation of small gains year by year.

Anonymous ID: 1b31d4 Feb. 10, 2019, 3:08 p.m. No.5112010   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2016

Tavistock Institute – Promoting Evil and Globalism and Decline of USA


Council on Foreign Relations

United Nations




Open Society


Perhaps you haven’t heard much about the Tavistock Institute.

Anonymous ID: 1b31d4 Feb. 10, 2019, 3:28 p.m. No.5112354   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2369 >>2393 >>2510

German City: Only 8 Percent of Migrant School Kids Speak Fluent German


A shocking new report claims that only 8.2 percent of children in elementary schools with migrant backgrounds in the German city of Duisburg are able to speak the German language fluently.


The revelations come from a report to be presented by Dr Ralf Krumpholz, the city’s Assistant Minister for Integration, and revealed that at least 16.4 percent of migration-background children in the school system speak no German at all, Rheinische Post reports.


The report claims that only 8.2 percent of migrant-background children in 2017 could pass exams with flawless German and that 50.1 percent came from households in which another language other than German was spoken.


When broken down by districts within the city, particularly in the suburbs, the number of German-speaking migration-background children are shown to be a small minority, with the district of Hochfeld having 87.9 percent of children speaking a different language in their everyday lives.


The language barrier has impacted life in the city in several ways, including making it harder for doctors to treat children with parents who speak little or no German.


The report comes as the demographic changes in Germany due to mass migration are becoming more and more clear. In Frankfurt, native Germans became a minority in 2017 tt the first German city where migration-background residents outnumber Germans.


German-speaking native children are minorities in several schools across the country, including the Carl Anton Henschel School in the city of Kassel where a six-year-old girl named Yara, the only German in her class, spoke of bullying which included physical violence because she was German.


Schools in Berlin with majority migration-background pupil populations have reported similar instances of bullying, often for religious reasons — including children bullied for eating pork.


“I’m in seventh grade in a high school in Schöneberg. There, I am marginalised because I am German and eat pork. They swear in Turkish and Arabic about me,” one pupil revealed.