Anonymous ID: 653311 Feb. 10, 2019, 3:35 p.m. No.5112467   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2489

It's not about hate, it's about being sick and tired.

Behind the illuminati is major kike fuckery.

That ties into 1776 and 3-letter agencies, government, media, pedowood, music, porn, etc.

Freemasons on the scene of FF's = Jews putting on a Movie.

We're sick of (((them))) dividing Americans whether it be lefties for Planned Parenthood or Righties for moar wars and moar police/moar standing army.

Sick of disgusting rich kikes in pedowood and government whom are mutilating, raping, torturing, and killing children for their rituals to their black cube worship.

Sick of them setting the narrative on public minds. What to eat, where, listen to, buy, etc.

Too many goddamn muh feelz faggots here who still don't get who our (((ENEMY))) is.

Sick of their special privileges and free rides.

Just sick of the lying, deceiving, Synagogue of Satan kikes. Time for them to leave the US until they clean their shit up or admit to their fuckery and subversion.