Anonymous ID: dd49b4 Feb. 10, 2019, 3:05 p.m. No.5111950   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Information Poisoning is a catch all description for the cognitive impairment resulting from Information Operations. Information Operations (IO)are the methods and tactics employed in advertising, in covert social control systems and “unrestricted,” non-linear or Information War. Tactics employed in wartime against enemy civilian populations are the same employed in peacetime to sell consumer goods.

Information War, Non-Linear War, or as the Chinese call it Unrestricted War, is a perpetual conflict between nations and sovereign actors which employs every available means; economic, political, technological to defeat an opponent. PLA Colonels Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui noted in “Unrestricted Warfare,” a study published in China in 1999: “As the arena of war has expanded, encompassing the political, diplomatic cultural and psychological spheres, in addition to the land, sea, air space and electronics spheres the interactions among all factors have made it difficult for the military sphere to serve as the automatic dominant sphere in every war.’

The potency of tactics employed in IO has been amplified by technological evolution which created enormous tightly networked populations and made increasing amounts of personal data available permitting individuals and groups to be precisely targeted with messaging engineered to exploit their belief systems.

Entertainment is not just entertainment, it is adult education, consumer conditioning, social engineering and it is the principal mechanism employed by nation states to reliably influence social behavior. The content of entertainment exerts significant, predictable effects on human behavior and belief systems and over the course and direction of future scientific economic and moral evolution. Entertainment directs popular attention, lends support to or selectively subverts social issues, fosters unity or division and incrementally enhances or gradually constricts collective cognitive capacity.

Anonymous ID: dd49b4 Feb. 10, 2019, 3:08 p.m. No.5112008   🗄️.is 🔗kun

In addition to the psyops or Information Operations carried out by the nation state militaries and intelligence agencies, the public has had decades of exposure in peacetime to unperceived influence technologies. Tactics address the unconscious mind to activate emotional response. The damage done is progressive and cumulative.


When psychology professor Wilson Bryan Key documented the ubiquitous use of subliminal technologies in advertising and editorial media content back in the 1980s, the advertising and “entertainment” industry made a significant effort to deny, distract and confuse the public about the issue, attacking Key as a dirty minded crank and trotting out a legion of paid experts to dispute and ultimately dismiss the possibility that subliminals were ever widely used or could ever be effective. Any academic researcher who shines light on the area subliminal influence in use today can expect a more sophisticated Information Operation to discredit them and their work.

Behavioral economists like Danial Kahneman, Dan Airley have written best selling books establishing the existence of an unconscious component of mind and characterized this mysterious part of our minds sufficiently well to establish that it plays the dominant role in our non-formal decision making.

The unconscious component of our mind can be conditioned to experience respond emotionally to consumer commodity products. As Key, in the 1980s “Subliminal embedding can make celebrities, models, automobiles, food products, politicians or scapegoats or any other merchandise more attractive, exciting, flavorful and appealing. Modern media usually avoid confronting the audience with factual realities at the level of conscious perception. Fantasies are far more engaging than unembellished perceptions.”

Anonymous ID: dd49b4 Feb. 10, 2019, 3:22 p.m. No.5112251   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Most of what we see hear feel smell doesn’t reach conscious awareness but some we know is retained, stored in memory to predictably influence our future behavior. Some writers on the subject use the term “subconscious” to refer to the unconscious component of mind. The term while familiar erroneously implies hierarchal subordination of “sub” conscious to conscious mind, is misleading and shouldn’t be used. The unconscious mind is what lies on the other side of a shifting perceptual border dividing what we know we know from what we think we know.

USP # 6,052,336 (April 18, 2000), Apparatus and Method of Broadcasting Audible Sound Using Ultrasonic Sound as a Carrier

Abstract: An ultrasonic sound source broadcasts an ultrasonic signal which is amplitude and/or frequency modulated with an information input signal originating from an information input source. The modulated signal, which may be amplified, is then broadcast via a projector unit, whereupon an individual or group of individuals located in the broadcast region detect the audible sound.

The reason subliminal messaging tactics are seldom discussed in mainstream or legacy media is not because the tactics are ineffective and rarely used but because they are extremely effective, so effective that the advertising supported media considers subliminal tactic critical to the function of advertising supported media. Subliminal advertising is illegal, though the laws are both feeble and likely unenforceable, having been openly transgressed for the entire term of their existence, and since the business model of advertising supported media depends on their nullity. The manipulation of individuals, identity groups and national populations after world war 2 was held critical to “national security;” subliminals are key to that manipulation.

Advertising and media content targeting viewer unconscious has been augmented by techniques like hypnotic induction, subsonic “whisper” acoustics. The power of the exploits and the depth of their reach has been enhanced by the advent of networked media technologies. VR and Mixed Reality technologies present an acute threat to consciousness because the ease with which control can be imposed over the totality of perceptual inputs in virtual environments will allow complete control of human consciousness and over the future course of human development.

The only way to inhibit the function of overt disinformation and covert control tactics is to expose them. NSA, US Military intelligence and allies and partners worldwide are doing this now. Whatever the ultimate extent of the public revelations, the existing damage is real, and remedial measures are required to initiate recovery with the objective of restoring function and educating the public about our collective cognitive vulnerability.

USP # 5,539,705 (July 23, 1996), Ultrasonic Speech Translator and Communications System

Abstract: A wireless communication system, undetectable by radio-frequency methods, for converting audio signals, including human voice, to electronic signals in the ultrasonic frequency range, transmitting the ultrasonic signal by way of acoustic pressure waves across a carrier medium, including gases, liquids and solids, and reconverting the ultrasonic acoustic pressure waves back to the original audio signal. This invention was made with government support under Contract DE-ACO5-840R2l400, awarded by the US Department of Energy to Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc.

Anonymous ID: dd49b4 Feb. 10, 2019, 3:27 p.m. No.5112341   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The use of an array of tactics to baffle the perception is not new, nor is the strategy confined to the human species. Predators who exploiting the perceptual deficiencies of prey are common in nature. As human hunters wear camouflage spread scents and simulate game calls, Paussid beetles forge chemical signals, blinding the ant species they prey on to their presence. Paussid beetle live amongst their prey unknown and unrecognized. A famous human group which employed similar tactic was Hasan ibn Sabah’s Assassins. Sabah allegedly learned his art of mind control from priests of the mysteries in Egypt, and the Assassins were able to use hypnotic induction, tricks of illusion, symbolic language systems, hypnagogic drugs and suggestion to create a mental framework which insured 100 % loyalty and instant compliance with leader’s instructions.


Nation state rulers have great difficulty securing large numbers of people willing to die on command.


Groups today employing the Assassin’s tactics command close to 100% loyalty and instant compliance with leaders’ instructions. Many groups and organizations, religious sects, cults and intelligence agencies were able to acquire the technology and learn the tactics.


Intelligence agencies and some groups further developed related control technology in their effort to engineer a 100% complaint human being, individuals exposed require therapeutic expertise in recovery due to the extensive alterations to the psyche inflicted on them, usually as children.


Subliminal embeds enhance perceptual experience of any image, intensifying autonomous responses such as EKG, EEG, GSR – heart rate, brain rhythms and galvanic skin response. Emotionalized, repressed information remains in memory for long periods, perhaps for a lifetime. In embed images nothing is actually hidden – as Key puts it “the only thing hidden in embedded media is what the viewers or listeners hide from themselves. “

Anonymous ID: dd49b4 Feb. 10, 2019, 3:30 p.m. No.5112382   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2458

Repairing our common cognitive capacity means dealing with significant levels of damage to neurological function amounting to PTSD.


SEX and DEATH images perceived by the unconscious exert unseen influence distorting our collective worldview and inhibiting discernment by the inappropriate linkage of emotion and symbols or ideas. Adverse conditioning.


British psychologist Norman Dixon, in evaluating 500 scientific studies, concluded, ‘behavior can be determined by external events over which we can affect no conscious control.’ Dixon, Subliminal Perception, p 322


1 Dreams

2 Memory

3 Conscious perception

4 Emotional response

5 Perceptual threshold

6 Verbal behavior

7 Adaptation level or judgement values

8 Purchasing behavior

9 Psychopathology

10 Reproductive drive/sexuality


The list of subliminal effects powerfully demonstrates that humans can be programmed into almost any group perceptual construction aka cultural perspective by those who control media…Media provide the system by which economic markets are controlled.”

Anonymous ID: dd49b4 Feb. 10, 2019, 3:32 p.m. No.5112416   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2458

A formal theory underlying the Information War doctrine is Vladimir Lefevre's Algebra of Conscience, published in the 70s in the then Soviet Union to little fanfare. Developed intensively since, nation state militaries, intelligence agencies, advertising agencies and media added Reflexive control to the existing body of older, rule of thumb or ritual influence techniques and tactics already in their social control repertoire. Cults, religions, private military and secret societies also employ hypnotic induction, suggestion, embeds, subsonic “whispers” and stage magic/ illusion to manipulate perception at multiple levels.

What Key cites as one of the more important discoveries about subliminals was “the more subliminal, the lower the threshold and the greater effects on perception and behavior.” Dixon, Subliminal Perception pp 283-84

Anonymous ID: dd49b4 Feb. 10, 2019, 3:35 p.m. No.5112470   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2493 >>2533

Envisioned treatment employs the same cross platform dramatic narrative entertainment formats to incrementally replace false information with true, neutralize ideological booby traps and facilitating individual development and psychological adaptation.

The degeneration of our information distribution system and their use in ideological conflict means that it is no longer possible to tell what is real, true and important from what is false, deceptive and trivial. We are a decade behind in our collective awareness of our own scientific capacity. In biology, in genetics in medicine in computer science. The deep integration of computational technology has changed the rate of change at which new knowledge is created. We need a secure identity-based network to distributed trusted objectively true knowledge, and we need it to handle the biggest challenge facing us immediately – the absence of a trusted collective news supply and networking.