Anonymous ID: 746605 Feb. 10, 2019, 4:28 p.m. No.5113311   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3368 >>3528 >>3566 >>3595 >>3620 >>3742 >>3948 >>4008 >>4015 >>4042

Q 2682 – Get ready for a new phase in the battle anons: the fight to take back the narrative from the MSM


Yesterday, in response to Q 2678, I discussed four BIG LIES from the MSM (>>5102624 PB):

1. DJT won the Presidency because of Russian interference.

2. Social media has been the main vehicle for this interference.

3. Patriot social media sites are very similar to Russian bot sites.

4. Both Trump & the Patriots have dangerous ideas and must be stopped.


While all these lies are very big, it dawned on me later that I left out the biggest lie of all (the "One Ring to Rule Them All").

The biggest lie is that everything we hear from the DS is exactly the opposite of what they say

If they say RIGHT, it means LEFT.

If they say UP, it means DOWN.

If they say BAD, it means GOOD.

This is the essence of projection.


But we already know this, right? Or at least we know about it. Look at how many times Q has used the following relevant terms in Drops:

conspiracy = 184, narrative = 131, fake news = 128, projection = 37, propaganda = 15, disinformation = 14.

So if anons already know this, why does Q keep talking about it?


Because everything is about to change. We are about to begin APPLYING all these lessons we have been taught:

"The battle begins (as seen today) w/public opinion."


"The FIGHT to control the NARRATIVE."

Today, we begin to apply these ideas instead of just hearing about them.


How the Dems have CONTROLLED THE NARRATIVE up til now:

  1. CONSTANT REPETITION (mass hypnosis)

(a) MSM 4 am talking points

(b) FAKE [HOLLY]WOOD echoing the talking points

(c) SOCIAL MEDIA promotion the talking poins/narrative

  1. DIVISION-FAGGING (mass distraction)

  2. BIG GOV'T (mass dependency)


The SOLUTION to mass propaganda

"Transparency is the only way forward"

DJT models transparency so we know what it looks like. That's why the Dems hate him so much: because Trump breaks the taboo that says national leaders must use a special "fake language" (political doublespeak) that keeps people ignorant of what is really happening.


Transparency depends upon real facts and logical explanations

This board sets a standard for real research. We are challenged here to digg deeply, sauce our posts, and justify our claims with effective arguments. That's how we escape the trap of Groupthink.


This post signals a BIG SHIFT in "the show"

This shift is signaled by the article at the beginning: "The Case for Russian Collusion AGAINST THE DEMOCRATS. Until now, the vast majority of articles on Russian collusion target Trump and the patriots. This one is different. Everything the Dems have been saying about POTUS & the patriots is about to BOOMerang back on them. And that process starts today.