Anonymous ID: 90397a Feb. 10, 2019, 4:44 p.m. No.5113503   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3520 >>3526 >>3530 >>3533

Family that lost a son at Sandy Hook fights against vicious conspiracy theorists


After 6-year-old Noah was killed in a school shooting, Lenny Pozner founded the HONR Society to protect the memory of victims, as well as their families, from malicious hoaxers


NEW YORK — Since a gunman took Noah Pozner’s life in the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, his father Lenny has lived a life on the run, trying to stay one step ahead of the conspiracy theorists.


Of the 20 first graders murdered Friday morning, December 14, 2012, Noah was the youngest. He and his twin sister had just turned six. After the mass shooting, Pozner, his then wife Veronique De La Rosa, and their two daughters sought privacy to mourn the very public loss. Unfortunately conspiracy theorist radio host Alex Jones as well as countless others of his ilk have had different plans for the family.


They claimed the 20 children and six adults killed at Sandy Hook were crisis actors, the shooting never happened, and the school was actually a film set. They claimed it was all a government plot to curtail civil liberties and the second amendment. But for Pozner, the most sinister tactic employed by these people — even more than their constant death threats — was their insistent claim that Noah never existed.

Anonymous ID: 90397a Feb. 10, 2019, 4:47 p.m. No.5113546   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3569 >>3742 >>3844 >>3948 >>4015

NJ Voters Furious As Governor Murphy Prepares To Sign 'Rain Tax' Into Law


Just when frustrated residents of New Jersey, one of the most heavily taxed states in the US, thought Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy had already brought the state into the ninth circle of taxation hell with new taxes to save the state's ailing pension system, middle class voters in one of the least affordable states in the country have now been given one more thing to complain about: A tax on the rain.


After a bill authorizing the new local taxes was passed by the state late last month, Murphy is preparing to sign it into law, over the objections of the state's Republicans, according to the New York Post.


As one state lawmaker told the post, just when NJ residents thought the state had already laid claim to every revenue stream imaginable, Democrats have found one more thing to tax.


"Every time you think there’s nothing left to tax, we come up with something else," Assemblyman Hal Wirths (R-Morris-Sussex) exploded during a debate on the measure.


“It’s just never-ending down here.”


And voters are understandably furious.

Anonymous ID: 90397a Feb. 10, 2019, 4:59 p.m. No.5113751   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Influx of clowns, shills, libtards and straight up retards trying to analyze every post. Dumbfucks need to realize real anon's shit post at times get salty at times along with digging and important shit.

Anonymous ID: 90397a Feb. 10, 2019, 5:07 p.m. No.5113857   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Wall funding = 5 Bil asked Zero given

Israel Funding = 38 Billion

Israel Boycott law passed = Unconstitutional

Anti-Semitism Awareness Act = Passed 100-0

MAGA = Fifth degree of Satanism

MAGA = Witch or Magician in many languages

Left and Right = Marxists & Zionists working hand in glove ILLUSION OF CHOICE

Half Shekel = Coin minted with Trump on it in Israel to be used when the anti-Christ rules from the third temple in Jerusalem

US Gov = Israel first

Trump campaigning for Netanyahu = Israel first

Wars ended during Trump Presidency = 0

Regime change in Venezuela = underway

Plans for Regime change = Cuba Nicaragua Iran Syria Iraq Russia Yemen Libya All of Africa

Justice for the elite = 0

Nuclear arms race = back on INF treaty disregarded

Military spending = Huge increases

Abortion laws = expanding WW

5G = still rolling out

Chemtrails = still going

Child sacrifice/pedophilia = Being normalized (you can now buy kid blood)

POTUS = Trojan Horse? (((Q+)))

Q told us POTUS had the say so when this ended = POTUS failure to declas discredited Q

Endless promises followed by endless excuses and delays

Arrests will happen regardless, whether they are staged or not will be the question. "You are watching a movie". The Zionists will be portrayed as the good guys and Marxists are the bad guy's. The Zionists will save the day and claim (((they))) are God's anointed and should be worshiped.

Noahide World Order.

I pray for the deceived that they can awaken and see they are being drawn into the hands of EVIL.

The God of this world who they are being tricked into praying to has them in hand.

Let no man deceive you, do NOT pray for false IDOLS.

Judge a man by his fruits.

Jesus = I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

The most high is watching.

