Anonymous ID: 3e5c9d Feb. 10, 2019, 5:31 p.m. No.5114239   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Guatemala - Mayan Culture

Lived there in early 1970’s. Country was under military quarantine with requirement everyone in by 8pm. Travel by car required military checkpoints. Was kidnapped while there by local and capital (top cop) political gang that ran the graft $$$ program. Escaped with help of the local Indians. Was kidnapped for money at first but got crazy and convoluted fast after Interpol tried to “help”. All foreigners were considered “wealthy” because you could travel.


Village people were often Indian tribes. Women not allowed to learn Spanish. Big cultural divide between Indians (Mayan descent tribes) and ruling Hispanics /Latinos (European descent increased one’s status).


Village life was in clean “dirt” floored huts. Water free from piped streams. No water or electricity in the homes. No one felt poor. Many farmed corn and beans and had chickens. Indians were friendly once they assessed you. Most of the women wove their own clothes. The ancient symbols woven into the clothes were unique to each village. TVs were rare as were cars. Travel mostly by bus. Food cheap, healthy and plentiful. Lots of chocolate and avocados. Could fill 2 large bags of groceries for 25 cents. Entertainment was live music in the homes and festivals.


Live volcanos everywhere, villages sometimes destroyed by eruptions; sometimes by government raids. Why they were raided was a mystery but sometimes whole villages destroyed in a few days.


Country filled with Mayan ruins. The stone temples inscribed by language that can be read backwards, forwards and upside down. Many verbal puns within the text. Belief that Mayans originally came from Pleidian star system with main leader an “astronaut” Lord Pakal who brought culture to Mayans teaching them astrology, math, and agriculture. Math was considered to have “Life”. First man was a genetic experiment using DNA from “corn” a grain the Mayans brought to earth. It used to contain all of the essential amino acids for complete protein until the Rockefeller foundation removed “lysine” through hybridization. Lord Pakal’s “spaceship” is depicted in the interior base of the Sun pyramid at Palenque. The spaceship navigation was partly by “thought” and part physical.


Some of the temples were star observatories. Belief that the astronaut Mayans were a time traveling race - appeared in Yucatán and Guatemala, stayed for a few hundred years then disappeared.

Quetzalcoatl was a white god like Lizard-Bird man who was a spiritual Jesus-like teacher. The flattening of the head was done to stimulate spiritual sight of the pineal gland.

The human sacrifice rituals were reported to have started after an infiltration of another race after the star people Mayans left.