Anonymous ID: ef0414 Feb. 10, 2019, 5:56 p.m. No.5114722   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What is the process of disposal re: aborted fetus?


new laws in some States for late term abortion but no new laws for late term abortion/post term abortion body disposal. They follow the current laws. A baby being born must be disposed of as a body not a fetus. If these States try to change the body disposal laws then they reveal their real purpose . Right now a fetus is disposed of as hazardous waste and that allows the evil to sift through the body parts. Medical Science has already identified a fetus as having all working organs and viable in 3rd trimester so it cannot be disposed of as waste. This is why they attacked the Virginia Governor so hard. They shut up once they found out that #2 and #3 were also going to be gone leaving Republicans in charge from any angle they took. #1 Gov. is replaced by #2 LT Gov. or # 3 if # 2 can't do it. In this case # 1.2, &3 are tainted for their acts. # 2 is the big guy in this story. He has a Constitutional replacement. That is Prez pro tempore. In Virginia that is a Republican. He takes on the duties of an absent LT Gov until a special election can be held. That fact can't be changed because it is in their constitution. Some are floating the idea that the #3 AG could step down 1st putting his deputy AG in charge ( black female and Democrat ) making it possible for 1,2,&3 to step down leaving things in the power control of Dems because #3 gave his place to a dem. WOMP WOMP WOMP! #2 spoils that plan. The minute number 2 steps down he is replaced with a Republican prez pro tempore. #2 does not follow a chain in this instance. Because there is no such thing as simultaneous recording of resignations, 1 & 2 cannot step down at the exact same moment , thereby engaging prez pro tempore at some point in this debacle. If #1 is recorded 1st then # 2 has to be recorded as his replacement BEFORE #2 is recorded as stepping down. #2 becomes #1 and Prez Pro Tempore becomes #2. If #1 ( who was previously #2 steps down then current #2 steps in place [Republican] ) Now think about this as they try to remove Trump. Rinse and repeat. TRUST GRASSLEY