Anonymous ID: 64a2b2 Feb. 10, 2019, 8:32 p.m. No.5117193   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7231 >>7238 >>7255


The Jews make up lots of anti women stories so they could remove the female and care from the Holy Trinity. They get irritated that women generally pull back from the real horrors of the Jewish grift on Humanity. Enslaving women upsets the natural balance and thus makes controlling the Goy all the easier.


Never trust a Jew on anything to do with women. Their Eve myth is designed to reverse their own fuckery.


Most everything Jewish is a mirror. An exact opposite of the truth. Leaving Egypt instead of being kicked the fuck out.


The Jews are worshipping the Abyss. The Satan. Thus they threw their lot in with false life. And destroying the natural order. It is how they control us by destroying everything that would make us whole.

Anonymous ID: 64a2b2 Feb. 10, 2019, 8:43 p.m. No.5117337   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7510


That is not the point. You got to go to the origin of the fuckery. The origin is the destruction of the Divine Feminine due to Jewish fuckery and greed. Land was controlled by the females in history. Look into a book called "When God was a Woman"


Jews systematically destroyed old societies. It is why they invaded Egypt as the Sea Peoples and put up some fraud like Joseph who attempted to take over the country. Normal long term Jewish infiltration. They see something working good and they invade, infiltrate and ruin it.


Jews came from a male dominated society and when they lived alongside female dominated societies they had trouble stealing enough and taking the land. The natives always wanted to revert back to their old methods. This had to be stopped.


This totally over looks that the Rabbis are Homosexual and have the female dying in every Jewish tale. The movie Sophies Choice is a fine example. Sophie is a word that means wisdom and it is used as Gaia or mother earth. The Jew wants to be all logic and no care. Thus they only support the masculine. The Jews have a term they use. You might have heard it. "The Future is Faggot"


They mean it.

Anonymous ID: 64a2b2 Feb. 10, 2019, 8:51 p.m. No.5117417   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is what they do. They invert and reverse every tale and story. Humanity has had a trinity forever. The Jew needs to control humanity. The best way is to upset the balance of everything. Things not in balance are not healthy. Thus easier to control. Removing the female from humanity and putting in a slave woman. Beaten down by their moronic ideas is a wonderful way to make humanity weaker.


It is what they do. Systematically remove anything that is Holy or functional. And give us a ruin. So we are not whole. And we fall for their tricks of control.


Being balanced is not how the Jew wants us.

Anonymous ID: 64a2b2 Feb. 10, 2019, 9:10 p.m. No.5117743   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Half of the entity in the Old Testament is Satan. Jews have been working for the wrong side pretty much since the beginning. But to make their grift work the normie Jews are not let in on the little trick.


Understanding this fact makes Shabbetai Ẓevi and Frank and the Satanic Talmud make sense.