so, the push for Emmanuel Macron's popularity is spilling into our own branches of news, how interesting. Fake polls tell them that? I see no source of "popularity rise" listed anywhere. All I see is violence portrayed and excuses given for law enforcement "simply doing their jobs"
pic 1
pic 2.
I esspecially like the contradictory terms in the statements made in this one…NYT…
majority supports movement, but Emmeuron's popularity is rising…
"amorphus"…"without clarity…" Cannot be more clear about what they want…can guarantee the gov there simply doesn't want to give them what they want……
pretty damn sure the hypocrisy of offering more money after claiming money was low and taxes needed to be imposed is not going anywhere soon. No poll mention on this one, so how do they know Emmeuron's popularity is on the rise? A little bit of Mochingbird, since WAPO is in the lead? Oh yes, me thinks.