I just want John Wick to be /ourguy/
Yep, its the same psy-op tactic Q is describing about fake news. Say "Zionist" and "Jews" long enough and loudly enough for it to become ingrained in the weak-minded.
Don't look at 5-eyes / FVEY, don't work together to find the real answers. Their tactics won't work here.
So which do you hate, the religion or the race? Because it looks like "zionist israel" / Cabal intentions are pretty secular to me.
That is the distinction I wish you shills would draw. You want to pound us night and day with Joo, Joo, Joo, which everyone knows is total bullshit. If you REALLY want to elucidate it and break it down, Anons are pretty certain the reason for the world's problems is not all-Joo, all the time.
Its the very definition of shillery, fren.