maybe I missed something, but didn't Q say the DS wants the economy to crash? Does this mean David is setting up the blame for Trump causing it with his tweets?
Thx anon. I just doesn't add up to the DS planning to crash the economy and Trump preventing it.
I've read this post a few timesโฆ.disinfo
Kavanaugh confirmation and winning the Senate control.
Yes, anon! And, just hit me - The trigger was the Dems winning the House, not the R's winning/holding the Senate. He had to move fast and prevent then from shutting down any DS investigations.
Maybe that is why Q goes silent, he/she has to check out the future before making the next move. kek!
I thought they could only do that in the lame duck year - how can they delay an SC appt for 2 years?
But am I wrong that the R's delay of an SC nomination was justified by the lame duck year per Senate rules? That's the debate I've been using with the lefties who keep fucking crying over Garland.
Your statement is fake news. I know several who lurk and post.