Anonymous ID: bdc0c5 FOLLOW THE MONEY = EYES ON BANKS Feb. 27, 2018, 12:45 p.m. No.512325   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2337 >>2797



(And yes, this is not a "New Concept"…BUT what is NEW is the FACT that an EO was issued on Dec 21st 2017 which basically freezes all accounts of ANYONE - either directly/indirectly - who are involved in any sort of human trafficking AND since WE ALL KNOW this puts the ROTHS in the cross-hairs, I think it behooves us to put our eyes on THE BANKS…especially the ones owned by the Roths!!)


Now granted, I don't know a lot about the financial workings of big Banks…. But in my prayer time God has directed me towards looking at the GOLD - twice - (in conjunction with the cryptic Intel drops several days ago with devices embedded in trees, and a still with "siren sang when 11" showing another side of the building POINTING TO AMSTERDAM….this same still was posted yesterday stating that SECURITY was now active at one of the gates)…


TO ME, THAT SOUNDS LIKE INSIDER INTEL…WHY THE EXTRA SECURITY??? (Gut - SOMEONE may be getting ready to bust the gold out!! WHITE HATS? BLACK HATS? Not sure at this point…


BACKGROUND: After the first posting several days ago, I did research and found DNB ( National Bank of Netherlands owned by the ROTHS) was the bank where the tree video was shot…. after a little research, saw that 122 tons of gold was transferred from New York to this Bank a few years back bringing the total gold held there to a little over 300 tons…. also found out this was one of the EU Banks specializing in foreign exchange…


Yesterday saw a post on the board, and I felt like it was an Intel drop… Asking what was going on with ABM Amro (with the still pic/ heightened security that I mentioned above)…. after doing a little bit of research, it looks like this bank was bailed out by the government and DNB had their hands in a merger in 2010 even though the bank was still state-owned… the Childrens Investment Fund Management is also mixed up in there somewhere… and yes, it's based on some sort of charity…


So today, still feeling compelled to keep my eye on Amsterdam, I ran across this news article from yesterday….IPO OFFERING…NIBC….OWNED by billionaire JC FLOWERS…. it's a PRIVATE Equity Firm…. and since he's the former Goldman Bach's Partner (ROTHS) my guess is they probably have their hand in this bank as well…


Here's what's interesting…IPOs are usually done to RAISE CAPITAL…. looks like we're starting to see "The Squeeze"….


Again, I don't know the ins-and-outs of freezing assets, but if the Roth's own just about every major bank in every country…. my guess is, they're not just going to turn over the gold in those vaults! We may have to go in and raid them???



