Anonymous ID: 45146b Feb. 11, 2019, 12:29 a.m. No.5119537   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anyone else get a major false flag vibe thinking about this stuff?


We know they use shootings to sway public opinion and determine who gets to be the victim.

>make pro-lifers seem like dangerous, unhinged lunatics?

Anonymous ID: 45146b Feb. 11, 2019, 12:34 a.m. No.5119564   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9578


Have you picked up on it yet?

They can cause precipitation where they want it. Think about the week before the LA raid/OP. Record-setting rain. Why?


LA and Vegas both have lareg underground complexes of tunnels used for trafficking. They're flood tunnels, and they wash out when it rains. In Vegas, some people even live under the city in communities of tunnel-dwellers. Their stuff gets washed out when it floods, but since it doesn't rain often…



>grounds planes

>excuse for lightning to fall

>suppresses fires

>washes out flood tunnels

>provides cover for aircraft

>moves people inside

Anonymous ID: 45146b Feb. 11, 2019, 12:44 a.m. No.5119626   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9642 >>9653 >>9688



>Who's running a worldwide human eugenics program?

>Who abducts and kidnaps people who are never seen again?

>Who harvests human organs, tissues, and cells?

>Who harvests human embryos and stem cells?

>Who wants to own the human genome?

>Who treats human beings like cattle?

>Who thinks human populations are theirs to breed, cull, drug, and experiment on?

>Who has access to advanced tech out of the reach/knowledge of the public?

>Who has access to medical procedures that the public isn't aware of?

>Who is out of the public's sight?

>Who is Crowley and why are they obsessed with him?

>Who do these people serve?

>Who's shopping around for human body parts?

>Where do occult/ritual/blood sacrifice, the NWO agenda, medical experimentation, and human beings for sale intersect?

>What would drive 90% of us crazy?


Anonymous ID: 45146b Feb. 11, 2019, 12:57 a.m. No.5119675   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>Not yet wanting to give up, MORA contacted a second UFO researcher of like reputation who shall, because of my respect for this person, also remain nameless. Like before, we got one response. It included some very good advice. In response to some specific anatomical questions, the researcher replied, "The subject of human mutilations is a very difficult one because if it is true, no one wants it to be. I have never seen hard evidence such as autopsy reports or photographs that would firmly establish for me that humans have been found with blood drained and cookie cutter-precise cuts [as with cattle]. However, there is anecdotal testimony, especially from the Vietnam [War] era." The advice, "You have to ask yourself a question…if you do receive clear, hard, indisputable evidence that aliens…have and/or are killing and mutilating humans for unknown purposes, would you go to the public with that information? I pursue truth to the best of my ability, but I have also learned that it carries the burden of responsibility for its implications and social consequences. Therefore, I don't deal with the subject to any extent in public. Rightly or wrongly, that is the decision I have made." The researcher concludes from his own research, "If aliens have mutilated humans, I believe the number is a small percentage [of humans who have been abducted] and your own conclusion about risk of social panic I believe is correct. One area that does concern me is the number of missing people [including children]."


>MORA associate, Rebecca Minshall, attended the 1992 MUFON Symposium in Albuquerque, New Mexico in early July. She reported that one of the speakers, Dr. Vladimir G. Ajaja, made a rather cryptic statement concerning apparent abductions in his native Russia. Dr. Ajaja said through his interpreter that 5,500 people in his country were abducted last year and never returned. Dr. Ajaja stated further that the mutilated bodies of some abductees had been found. When asked how they were mutilated, he said that sexual organs had been removed. The unfortunate victims were mostly in their early twenties. He associated the youth of the abductees with their being in their sexual prime. His demeanor was very grim and he said he felt the abduction phenomenon was very grave, very serious.

Anonymous ID: 45146b Feb. 11, 2019, 1:07 a.m. No.5119717   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>The receptors in the assay are used to identify flavours; they are not used as flavours themselves. No human taste receptors are used as ingredients in any flavourings.

Anonymous ID: 45146b Feb. 11, 2019, 1:13 a.m. No.5119744   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>As can clearly be seen, flesh and lips have been excised around the mandibles, as is common in cattle and other animal mutilations, the autopsy report noted that "the eyes and ears were also removed and the mouth cavity was emptied." Removal of these body parts, including the tongue as here, is common enough in animal mutilation cases.

Anonymous ID: 45146b Feb. 11, 2019, 1:38 a.m. No.5119847   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9857 >>9868 >>0018 >>0086 >>0167


>I am a Registered Nurse who has worked in the Labor & Delivery Department at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, Illinois, for the past five years. Christ Hospital performs abortions on women in their second or even third trimesters of pregnancy. Sometimes the babies being aborted are healthy, and sometimes they are not.


>The method of abortion that Christ Hospital uses is called “induced labor abortion,” also now known as “live birth abortion.” This type of abortion can be performed different ways, but the goal always is to cause a pregnant woman’s cervix to open so that she will deliver a premature baby who dies during the birth process or soon afterward. The way that induced abortion is most often executed at my hospital is by the physician inserting a medication called Cytotec into the birth canal close to the cervix. Cytotec irritates the cervix and stimulates it to open. When this occurs, the small, preterm baby drops out of the uterus, oftentimes alive. It is not uncommon for one of these live aborted babies to linger for an hour or two or even longer. One of them once lived for almost eight hours.


>In the event that a baby is aborted alive, he or she receives no medical assessments or care but is only given what my hospital calls “comfort care.” “Comfort care” is defined as keeping the baby warm in a blanket until he or she dies, although even this minimal compassion is not always provided. It is not required that these babies be held during their short lives.

Anonymous ID: 45146b Feb. 11, 2019, 1:42 a.m. No.5119857   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>In the event that a baby is aborted alive, he or she receives no medical assessments or care but is only given what my hospital calls “comfort care.” “Comfort care” is defined as keeping the baby warm in a blanket until he or she dies, although even this minimal compassion is not always provided. It is not required that these babies be held during their short lives.

Anonymous ID: 45146b Feb. 11, 2019, 2:06 a.m. No.5119937   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9941 >>9950 >>0002 >>0018 >>0086 >>0167




>Currently there are more than 108 world-wide studies published on abortion and breast cancer. Fifty-three of them found a strong link between abortion and breast cancer. Twenty-three studies found a small link, and only 29 found no link.

>Out of the 108 studies, 79 (nearly 3 in 4) found an increased risk between induced abortion and the later development of breast cancer. When she delved deeper, she discovered that studies from all over the world demonstrated a higher rate of breast cancer among women who have had abortions:

>10 out of 10 studies conducted in India

>30 out of 37 studies conducted in China

>5 out of 6 studies in France

>4 out of 4 in Japan

>Dr. Joel Brind, professor of Human Biology and Endocrinology, performed a meta-analysis of twenty-three available studies in 1996. He found that there was a 30% increased risk of breast cancer for women with abortion histories.

>In 2014, a meta-analysis published in the international journal Cancer Causes and Control by Yubei Huang et. al of the Tianjin Medical University provided shockingly similar results. Huang examined 36 studies in China and found a 44% average increased risk of breast cancer among women with abortion histories. This risk increased to 76% for those with two abortions and 79% for three.

Today, there are more than seventy-eight studies showing a link between abortion and breast cancer and yet most women remain unaware that there is any connection.

>There were a few studies in the mid-1990s that suggested an induced abortion was associated with an increased risk for breast cancer. These studies had design flaws. The studies relied on the participants self-reporting their medical histories which can create inaccuracies.

>However, prospective studies, which are much stricter in design, have shown no association between induced abortion and breast cancer risk. In 2009, the Committee on Gynecologic Practice of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists reached a consensus that “More rigorous recent studies demonstrate no causal relationship between induced abortion and a subsequent increase in breast cancer risk.”

Anonymous ID: 45146b Feb. 11, 2019, 2:11 a.m. No.5119958   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9982


>10 out of 10 studies conducted in India


>30 out of 37 studies conducted in China


>5 out of 6 studies in France


>4 out of 4 in Japan




Anonymous ID: 45146b Feb. 11, 2019, 2:38 a.m. No.5120078   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0093


It would be ludicrous for Patriots not to have an eye on her. Timing and political efficacy.

2 SCOTUS picks instead of one if it can be proven clerks wrote her opinions.