The drops read like DJT wrote some of them.
Just my opinion. Gut thinks Trump wrote some of it ;p
The drops read like DJT wrote some of them.
Just my opinion. Gut thinks Trump wrote some of it ;p
Especially not now.
(((They))) got really really pissed off is what happened
>So God sent Jesus with no father.
False. God the Father sent His Son, Jesus.
You know the one. the Father in the Prayer. ;p
>Line of succession. through the father, not the mother. Why did (((they))) change it?
I don't disagree, just giving the literal answer to your "no father" riddle.
The thought that actually occurred to me is "hmm. God the Father sends Son; The power structure was worshipping a female god then, just like now."
This is from a guy that refuses to take a paycheck.
Just throwing that out there in case it's been forgotten in the ruckus.
same people that did 9/11 did this
you need both. And paternal lineage matters more.
Gay people can't make children naturally. On the planet I hail from, the seeds ensure survival of the species.
Even for humans.
How about instead of basing your argument off of the cartoon that is the bible, you instead go read about enki and enlil, and get back to me with something more concise and well thought out?
Because the Sumerian, Egyptian, Abrahamic and Christ-founded religions all are derived from that.
When the languages were confused, one of the reasons for doing it was to confuse the history of the world.
That said, it's a Miracle that the cartoon version of shit we call "the bible" is still essentially correct.