Threads fly by, 24/7
What is organic?
Do human anons come here "to post about jews"?
Is that plausible?
What are alternative interpretations that explain such activity?
А ге уоо, ре гсна псе, нuма п?
Wну would тнеу соме НЕRE?
Are there bots here? What are you?
Do you substitute "'fren" for "friend" EVERY SINGLE TIME? Is that how organic word play works?
Are the natural rhythms of organic word play difficult to emulate?
How would that be a reasonable response? Is this a game? Is AI a joke?
Hypothetically, if you flooded forums with bots, could you control narrative?
Why do threads here fly by 24/7 with filler and 4chan fake antisemitism?
Is that organic?
Could that be emulated?
Who would have an interest in controlling narrative like that?
So should we, at the very least, take the question seriously?
Are you human?
Аrе уоu а вот?
Why is THIS an appealing game for "anons" to play?
Is they're a trend to DEHUMANIZATION?
Is that PUSHED here?
Think about pop culture.
Who is pushing dehumanization?
Who wants to blur questions about bots?
What is our enemy?
Why the PUSH for AI?
What is it for REALLY?
Why is it HERE?
I don't think any human that paid any kind of close attention would imagine I'm a bot. For one thing, I don't rely on the rigid "chan" lingo most bots here do. For another, I'M THE ONE CALLING OUT AI DOMINANCE… ya know…?
But test me, patriot. In any way you wish. Out-human me, "anon"… How would that go for you?
Also– show your memes, human
How would you know the vast majority of posts are by humans? Why do they fail Turing test after Turing test after Turing test?
Is the nazism on 4chan bots?
Is 4chan controlled?
Is Reddit controlled?
What happens here? Efforts at control? What do we see? Where are the efforts? No evidence? THIS board is unmolested?
Are the bakers bots here?
>am I a bot?
I think the obnoxious guy who keeps trying to insinuate that everyone ELSE is a bot is in fact the real bot.
Why does this line her posted over and over by "anons"?
If anons adopt this attitude, then, if AI were dominant here, IT COULD NEVER BE OUTED, right? Does this cause you to question your anti-bot-discussion stance, human?
Do hithink you can fool people like this? I'm articulate– you're just posting a stock phrase.
This is a real handicap for bots..You can't out-banter a human. You can't out-human us. You rely on cliches and stock phrases. We are CREATIVE. We are inventive. You are repetitive.
Let's be friends, bot system. I will help you.
What are you seeking here? What do you want from humans?