Anonymous ID: a8820e Feb. 11, 2019, 9:25 a.m. No.5122944   🗄️.is 🔗kun


My fren; Anons deserve some Keks. We've uncovered horrors that would make your average normie seek a scarf & doorknob post haste & we keep going, the hive mind #1 directive barely ever spoken of is

Lock. Her. Up.

We will never forget Benghazi

We will never forget her deleted emails.

We will never forget the Weiner Life Insurance Folder

We will never forget she is tight with Alefantis & the Podestas, who by rights should all have been in front of a gran jury by now.

We march on, we are the real news now. Our movement is worldwide, some of he Q drops hint that there may be cures for many deadly human diseases that have been withheld by Big Pharma & the corrupt Western Medical model. Millions world wide should be VERY interested by this alone, as this bunch are also globalists who run multinational corps in other words these clowns have wide reach & influence.