Supreme Court ruled in 2008 that Voter ID is not a voter suppression tool …… That is a BA BOOOOOOM !!!
Q mentioned in his last post
If there is a previous SC decision on the matter (pre-POTUS Justice conf), would a NATIONAL VOTER ID LAW MANDATE using the SC ruling of 2008 (+ common sense logic/arguments) as the LEGAL FOUNDATION, have merit?
Is every other country that has a VOTER ID LAW considered racist?
Will the DOJ support the push instead of file legal challenges as [LL] did in the past?
If the SC ruled in 2008 that VOTER ID laws do not impact/harm or prevent 'minorities' from voting, how could the U.S. 4th Circuit Court rule opposite?
Is the 4th Circuit Court considered LEFT/Liberal?……….Anons …..This is a MOAB !!
Anons ……… Voter ID laws were ruled on in 2008 by the Supreme Court ……. The Dems are fucked ……. Here comes the Pain …..
Voter ID law ….end of the D Party …..lmao …THEY NEVER THOUGHT SHE WOULD LOSE
Voter ID law …Power back to the People (Cotizens ) of this Country
The Dems last push ..lSending thousands to try to cross the border illegally ….. Not going to happen !! Troops in place …. Castle locked