Anonymous ID: fe52a5 Feb. 11, 2019, 9:57 a.m. No.5123307   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3548 >>3559 >>3863 >>3869 >>4006

‘Illegals Over Americans’: Border Wall Talks Crumble As Trump Eyes Emergency Declaration


Border wall negotiations on Capitol Hill crumbled over the weekend, increasing the chances President Donald Trump declares a national emergency Friday, three sources close to the process tell The Daily Caller.


The negotiations stalled over a Democratic demand that detention bed funding for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to house detained illegal immigrants be reduced in exchange for border wall funding. Lead Republican negotiator Sen. Richard Shelby told Fox News Sunday that the chances of a deal are “50/50,” after expressing optimism on Thursday.


An administration source directly involved in the process told the Caller that Trump began speaking more about declaring a national emergency Sunday after nearly a week of expressing optimism that the congressional talks could bear fruit. Trump also tweeted to that effect Sunday afternoon:


Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney said he “absolutely cannot” rule out a shutdown on Fox News Sunday, later saying on NBC News that Trump is “going to do whatever he legally can to secure the border.”


Trump has signaled to White House negotiators and Capitol Hill Republicans that he is willing to accept a $2 billion figure in border wall funding, two sources close to the process tell the Caller. Democrats, however, have made any acceptance of this figure contingent on an agreement to limit funding for ICE detention beds.


Democrats say that a cap on ICE detention beds will disincentivize the agency from detaining illegal aliens who have not committed crimes in the U.S.


“A cap on ICE detention beds will force the Trump administration to prioritize deportation for criminals and people who pose real security threats, not law-abiding immigrants who are contributing to our country,” Congressional negotiator Lucille Roybal-Allard said in a Sunday statement.


Republicans and ICE itself counter that putting a cap on the number of illegal aliens it is capable of detaining would in effect mean free rein for murderers and gang criminals convicted of felonies.

Anonymous ID: fe52a5 Feb. 11, 2019, 10:01 a.m. No.5123363   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Russia Says It Has Not Received Request For Military Assistance From Venezuela So Far


On February 11, the Russian Foreign Ministry called US attempts to establish direct ‘contacts’ with the Venezuelan military in a bid to influence its stance “unacceptable”.


Aleksander Shchetinin, head of the Department of Latin America at the Russian Foreign Ministry, clarified that Russia is in a constat contact with the Venezuelan authorities. However, so far, Moscow has not received request for military assistance.


“We are in constant contact with the government of Venezuela in a completely working, normal mode,” Shchetinin told media, according to Sputnik.


The Russian official reaction came in respnose to reports that the US has been being engaged in direct contact with members of Venezuela’s military, encouraging them to pledge allegiance to US-proclaimed interim president Juan Guaido. At the same time, Wasgington is working on new sanctions to pressure the government of Nicolas Maduro.

Anonymous ID: fe52a5 Feb. 11, 2019, 10:03 a.m. No.5123387   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3394 >>3398 >>3863 >>3972 >>4006

Gearing Up for Possibility of Another Trump Shutdown, Airport Workers Ready Mass Protests in 80 Major Cities


“We’re going to continue running as fast as we can right up to February 15, so that we can take action immediately on February 16 if necessary.”




With congressional negotiators still working on a deal to keep the federal government open after the current stopgap funding measure expires on Friday, Feb. 15, airport workers are already planning mass protests for next Saturday in case the government shuts down again.


Air traffic controllers and other airport employees were widely credited for creating the pressure that ended the longest shutdown in American history last month, and Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA) president Sara Nelson told New York Magazine on Friday that workers are gearing up to mobilize if congressional negotiators fail to reach a deal—or if President Donald Trump unilaterally scuttles any agreement.


As New York Magazine‘s Sarah Jones reported,


“Nelson says that the union will be out leafleting in airports in 80 major cities next week ahead of Saturday’s demonstrations.”


“We are also working very hard to get information out to all of our members about what’s at stake,” Nelson told New York Magazine. “We need people to fully understand what the issues are so that we can be prepared to respond potentially with withholding our service, if that’s what it takes to stop a continuation of the shutdown.”


According to Jones, the AFA is not alone in preparing to mobilize if the government shuts down again, once more putting the pay of hundreds of thousands of federal workers at risk:


Nelson cites the American Federation of Teachers as “a very strong ally” in addition to Unite Here, which represents many federal subcontractors who have still not received backpay for paychecks withheld during the shutdown. Reached by phone on Friday afternoon, Randi Weingarten, the president of the American Federation of Teachers, told New York that AFT is “very concerned” about the shutdown’s impact on both the aviation industry and its unions. “We are working together to do what is impossible to do alone,” she said.


As Common Dreams reported, air traffic controller unions warned throughout the previous government shutdown that forcing airport employees to work without pay dramatically increases flight safety risks.


On the day the government shutdown ended last month, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) halted flights into New York’s LaGuardia Airport, citing air traffic controller shortages caused by the shutdown.


Speaking to In These Times on Friday, Nelson—who called for a general strike during the previous funding lapse—emphasized how truly “dangerous” a continuation of the government shutdown would be.


“We’re going to continue running as fast as we can right up to February 15, so that we can take action immediately on February 16 if necessary,” Nelson said.

Anonymous ID: fe52a5 Feb. 11, 2019, 10:07 a.m. No.5123433   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Russia slams US pressure on Venezuela’s top brass to defect as unprecedented meddling


Moscow constantly maintains contacts with the Venezuelan authorities in a normal, working regime, the diplomat stressed


MOSCOW, February 11. /TASS/. Moscow has castigated Washington’s drive to push the Venezuelan military into swtiching their oath of allegiance as blatant interference in Venezuela’s affairs, Director of the Russian Foreign Ministry’s Latin American Department Alexander Shchetinin said on Monday.


"As Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said once, ‘the Mueller commission [the commission of US Special Counsel Robert Mueller probing Russia’s alleged meddling in the US presidential elections] is simply nothing compared to that," the diplomat stressed.


"This is because the direct appeal by a foreign state to the armed forces of another country, no matter what form it may take, for the purpose of altering the position and the oath of allegiance, is plainly unimaginable meddling in the internal affairs of a foreign state," he stressed.


"Our American partners are not thinking along these lines now. They are contemplating only [about the interference] as it applies to themselves," the Russian diplomat added.


When asked about any contacts being planned with Venezuela, the diplomat answered: "We constantly maintain contacts with the Venezuelan authorities in a normal, working regime."


The Reuters news agency earlier reported, citing a US White House spokesperson that Washington was maintaining contacts with some Venezuelan military officers in order to overthrow the incumbent authorities in Caracas and prepare new sanctions.

Anonymous ID: fe52a5 Feb. 11, 2019, 10:10 a.m. No.5123476   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3863 >>4006

Russia to disconnect from the internet as part of a planned test


Russian authorities and major internet providers are planning to disconnect the country from the internet as part of a planned experiment, Russian news agency RosBiznesKonsalting (RBK) reported last week.


The reason for the experiment is to gather insight and provide feedback and modifications to a proposed law introduced in the Russian Parliament in December 2018.


A first draft of the law mandated that Russian internet providers should ensure the independence of the Russian internet space (Runet) in the case of foreign aggression to disconnect the country from the rest of the internet.


In addition, Russian telecom firms would also have to install "technical means" to re-route all Russian internet traffic to exchange points approved or managed by Roskomnazor, Russia's telecom watchdog.


Roskomnazor will inspect the traffic to block prohibited content and make sure traffic between Russian users stays inside the country, and is not re-routed uselessly through servers abroad, where it could be intercepted.


A date for the test has not been revealed, but it's supposed to take place before April 1, the deadline for submitting amendments to the law –known as the Digital Economy National Program.


The test disconnect experiment has been agreed on in a session of the Information Security Working Group at the end of January. Natalya Kaspersky, Director of Russian cyber-security firm InfoWatch, and co-founder of Kaspersky Lab, presides over the group, which also includes major Russian telcos such as MegaFon, Beeline, MTS, RosTelecom, and others.

Anonymous ID: fe52a5 Feb. 11, 2019, 10:11 a.m. No.5123495   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3863 >>4006

U.S. Colleges Raise $47 Billion in Ninth Straight Record Year


U.S. colleges raised $46.7 billion in the 12 months through June 2018, the ninth straight record year, as the lengthy bull market for stocks helped spur contributions.

Harvard University, the country’s richest school, pulled in the most money at $1.4 billion, according to a study released Monday by the Council for Advancement and Support of Education.

The S&P 500 Index’s 14 percent return in the period may have helped encourage giving from a variety of donors. Three colleges brought in more than $1 billion each. Seven got single gifts of $100 million or more, the highest number of schools receiving contributions of that magnitude. The total, up 7.2 percent from the prior year, came amid uncertainty following changes to the U.S. tax code in December 2017, about halfway through the academic term.

Contributions surged by about two-thirds from donor-advised funds, vehicles offering an immediate tax deduction for a one-time gift while their backers make charitable decisions over time. Some of the richest universities including Stanford and Yale run their own versions of the funds. Donors could itemize their returns for calendar 2017 but not necessarily 2018 due to the tax-law changes, according to the report.

“At that time, the stock market fared well,” said Ann Kaplan, senior director of the survey. “The assets invested in donor-advised funds likely increased due to the strength of the stock market and gifts from them would have increased in any tax climate.”

Among top fund-raisers, second-place Stanford University attracted $1.1 billion and Columbia gathered $1 billion. The University of California at Los Angeles raised $787 million and UC San Francisco took in $730 million.

Some 927 schools responded to the survey, which relied on estimates for institutions that didn’t respond. A smaller number responded to the optional question on the donor funds.

Anonymous ID: fe52a5 Feb. 11, 2019, 10:12 a.m. No.5123507   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Lloyds resolves online banking woes


The UK's largest current account provider, Lloyds Banking Group, has said problems with its online banking service have now been resolved.


Some Lloyds customers had faced "intermittent issues" on Monday when trying to log on to the online system.


But Lloyds says the issues have now been remedied. "We apologise for the disruption some customers experienced today," the bank said in a statement.


It has 10 million account holders, 60% of whom use digital services.


The problems did not affect app services, which were working normally.


Services from Halifax and Bank of Scotland, which are also part of Lloyds Banking Group, were also unaffected.


A number of customers of Lloyds took to social media to question what was happening.


Last month, hundreds of thousands of Lloyds, Halifax and Bank of Scotland customers were unable to make payments from their online accounts.


Some could not pay and transfer money online, while others were not able to confirm whether funds were arriving in their account.

Anonymous ID: fe52a5 Feb. 11, 2019, 10:13 a.m. No.5123537   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Cynicism of Empire: Sen. Rubio Tells Venezuelans to Overthrow Their Government…or Starve!


There is a sad disregard for human life among the neocon regime-changers. The devastation of Iraq, with its million dead, was a mere stepping stone to a “re-making” of the Middle East. A Libya turned into a modern day slave market after neocon-backed “liberation” is off the radar screen. Who cares, right?


Syria suffered a half million dead after a US backed jihadist insurgency – strongly backed by the neocons – and not a word of remorse.


In fact, in a remarkable act of chutzpah, neocons have taken to blaming the victims in Syria, with the Washington Post’s Josh Rogin branding Assad, who fought and ultimately defeated US-backed terrorists (and in so doing saved Syria’s ancient Christian community) an “enemy of humanity.” One need not join the Assad fan club to come to the easy conclusion that an al-Qaeda-controlled Aleppo, for example, was a living hell while an Aleppo liberated by Assad very soon was on its feet again as a multi-confessional and multi-cultural center of Syria.


The sick disregard for human life as Washington gins up the regime change machine is on display again, bolder and more sadistic than ever. Witness the neoconservative Senator from Florida, shown above, who Tweeted this week that as hunger is growing in Venezuela, that country’s military must make a choice whether to support the US-backed overthrow of its government or allow the people to starve. Clearly threatening war, Rubio wrote, “military leaders should make a choice, before a choice is made for them.”


MintPressNews writer Whitney Webb put it best:


“Marco Rubio is openly saying that if Venezuela’s military doesn’t turn on Maduro soon, ‘a choice will made for them’ by the United States. Scariest threat for an imminent invasion of Venezuela I have yet to see.”


Other neocons behind this regime change operation are showing signs of desperation as after more than a week of their backing the US-selected “interim president” – who had never run for the office – there are not yet any major signs of the Maduro government crumbling under the pressure.


National Security Advisor John Bolton, who has spearheaded this idiotic operation (as he helped spearhead the idiotic 2003 invasion of Iraq), is almost begging the Venezuelan military to change sides. He is no doubt frustrated that the “cake walk” he likely promised Trump is to this point looking like no such thing.


Bolton Tweeted on Wednesday:


The U.S. will consider sanctions off-ramps for any Venezuelan senior military officer that stands for democracy and recognizes the constitutional government of President Juan Guaido. If not, the international financial circle will be closed off completely. Make the right choice!


Translation: “Want some money? Help us overthrow your government!”

Anonymous ID: fe52a5 Feb. 11, 2019, 10:15 a.m. No.5123565   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3598

Fury as headteachers BACK pupil strike that will see thousands of schoolchildren walk out of lessons next week in a protest over climate change


A nationwide school strike over climate change has been 'applauded' by the head teachers' union, leaving many furious.

The mass walkout called UK Youth Strike 4 Climate currently has students in 38 cities and towns across the country planning to join them on Friday's protest.

It is expected thousands of pupils from places including Cardiff, Brighton, Exeter and Glasgow will down their books for three hours, reports the Sunday Express.



Anonymous ID: fe52a5 Feb. 11, 2019, 10:20 a.m. No.5123620   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3863 >>4006

Dozens of children as young as EIGHT have been raped or abused by paedophiles on Tinder and Grindr because the dating apps are failing to enforce age restrictions =


Dozens of children as young as eight have been raped or sexually abused by paedophiles on apps like Tinder and Grindr because they are failing to enforce age restrictions, shocking new figures reveal.

Police forces have investigated more than 30 incidents of child rape since 2015 where victims were sexually exploited after evading age checks on dating apps. One boy, 13, was raped or abused by at least 21 men.

There were a further 60 instances of child sex offences via online dating platforms, including grooming, kidnapping and violent sexual assault.

Anonymous ID: fe52a5 Feb. 11, 2019, 10:21 a.m. No.5123634   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Australia called to act against Chinese detention of Uighurs


Melbourne, Australia - Members of the UighurMuslim community in Australia are renewing calls for action from the government amid reports that a number of Australian permanent residents are effectively trapped in China's Xinjiang province.


The Guardian reported on Monday that at least 17 Australian residents are being held under house arrest, in prison or detained in so-called "re-education" centres in the far western region of Xinjiang, also referred to by some Uighurs as East Turkistan.


They are thought to have been detained while on trips to visit relatives in China and some have family members who are Australian citizens.


"As soon as they arrive, their passport is taken away because they're holding a Chinese passport, even though they have permanent residency," Nurgul Sawut, the Uighur-Australian activist who provided The Guardian with the details of the 17 affected, told Al Jazeera.


"We're not only talking about the 17 people back in Xinjiang. We're talking about their direct family members here in Australia. There are 17 families whose lives are destroyed. They can't continue with their work. Their mental health is deteriorating," she said.


"This is not a surprise for us. Our community told us that their family members have been in trouble in East Turkistan since 2017," said Nurmuhammad Majid, president of the East Turkistan Australian Association (ETAA).


"The number is over 20 according to my calculations, including some minor children as well. We are gravely concerned for their safety and well-being."


Australia's Department of Foreign Affairs (DFAT), however, said it was "not aware of any Australian citizens currently detained in Xinjiang".


"We are aware of a number of cases where family and friends in Australia are unable to contact individuals who have travelled to Xinjiang," a spokesperson for DFAT said in a statement obtained by Al Jazeera.


"In some cases, those individuals have Australian connections such as permanent residency or a spouse visa. Where Australian family members request us to do so, we have been making inquiries with the Chinese authorities regarding the whereabouts of these individuals," the spokesperson said.


There are an estimated 600 Uighur families residing in Australia, with a combined population of around 3000. "Some Uighurs spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to get permanent residency," ETAA's Majid said.


"They have rights to live indefinitely in Australia according to the visa conditions. A majority of them have established homes, work and businesses in Australia."

Anonymous ID: fe52a5 Feb. 11, 2019, 10:21 a.m. No.5123645   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3649 >>3674 >>3863 >>4006

Reddit Gets $150 Million Investment From Chinese Censorship Company


Reddit, which censors dissidents in America, is now being funded by Tencent, a multi-billion dollar company which censors dissidents in China.


From NewsBusters, "Chinese Censorship Company Invests Millions in Reddit":


What happens when the front page of the internet is funded by the company that made the Great Firewall in China?


Reddit, the internet forum for communities, posts, and news, is currently fundraising to keep itself afloat, with a $300 million goal. Half of that goal has already been met, thanks to a massive investment of $150 million from Chinese censorship company Tencent. The company is in charge of blocking, blacklisting and preventing internet access to certain groups, sites, and information in China. Ironically, Tencent is responsible for the banning of Reddit in China.


Probably a good decision on their part.


TechCrunch reported that the majority stakeholder for Reddit used to be publisher Conde Nast. The majority stakeholder now is Advance Publishing. But Tencent’s massive investment gives it a boost in its status.


Conde Nast is also owned by Advance Publications which is owned by the Newhouse family.


[…]Tencent is now “literally reinventing censorship in China,” according to Gizmodo. The company works closely with the Chinese government to ensure that the standards for censorship are met.


This strikes me as very appropriate.


No doubt they'll be sharing their censorship techniques with one another!


Such are the wonders of globalization!

Anonymous ID: fe52a5 Feb. 11, 2019, 10:23 a.m. No.5123675   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3717 >>3831

Latest ‘NY Times’ pro-Israel article is a bizarre effort to connect Al-Qaeda, Palestinian rights and Africa


Israel’s propaganda apparatus, Hasbara Central, must be delighted with a bizarre, convoluted article in today’s New York Times that used tortuous logic to:


  • Dishonestly try to connect 2 recent terrorist attacks in Africa to Al-Qaeda, the organization once headed by Osama bin Laden


  • In passing, try to tarnish genuine Palestinian grievances by saying that Al-Qaeda agrees with those grievances


  • Somehow use the fake Al-Qaeda connection to endorse Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s efforts to improve Israel’s diplomatic standing in Africa


You have to read the Times article–which is bylined Dionne Searcey, David M. Halbfinger and Rukmini Callimachi, and datelined Dakar, Senegal– a couple of times to appreciate just how dishonest it is. Let’s start with actual facts: two different groups of gunmen in Africa, in Kenya and across the continent in Mali, carried out terrorist attacks last month. Plenty of experts could have explained how both groups emerged due to conditions in their own countries, but the Times never contacted them.


Instead, the paper noted that Al-Qaeda — which has no real presence in Africa — lauded both attacks. The Times relied on the SITE Intelligence Group, an organization in the Washington, D.C. beltway headed by an Israeli, Rita Katz, to quote Al-Qaeda:


We emphasize and appreciate the high efforts and beautiful words of all the vibrant jihadist work to prevent the Judaization of Palestine.


What’s important to note is that the Times nowhere provided a shred of evidence that Al-Qaeda actually helped plan or contribute to the two attacks in Africa. That didn’t stop the paper from spending a good half-dozen paragraphs quoting Ayman al-Zawahri, the current al-Qaeda leader, as he denounced Israeli policies in occupied Palestine, and also blasted the Trump administration for moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. The insinuation was clear: Palestinians and those who support them are on the same side as the evil men who killed 3000 Americans at the World Trade Center.

Anonymous ID: fe52a5 Feb. 11, 2019, 10:28 a.m. No.5123734   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3809

Democratic bigwigs create group to promote Israel to progressives


Some Democratic heavy hitters have formed a new pro-Israel organization focused on progressive Democrats. The new group, “Democratic Majority for Israel (DMFI),” is the latest in a long line of groups working for Israel in the United States.


New York Jewish Week reports that the group was formed “to counter the drift — if not dive — away from support for Israel within the party.” Israel partisans are concerned at the growing support among Democrats for Palestinian human rights, as awareness of the situation has grown in recent years.


Numerous humanitarian agencies have documented Israeli human rights violations, including Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch (HRW), the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), Christian Aid, the International Red Cross, and others.


In addition, videos of Israeli settlers destroying Palestinian crops, Israeli soldiers beating people, including children, and killing unarmed protestors have become increasingly available on the Internet.


This has had a perception-shattering impact.


For many years surveys showed that more Americans sympathized with Israel than with Palestinians. But growing knowledge of the region among progressive Democrats has now reversed the numbers within that group. A 2018 Pew survey found that “nearly twice as many liberal Democrats say they sympathize more with the Palestinians than with Israel.”


In addition, the New York Times reports, Israel partisans were jolted by the election of Representatives Ilhan Omar (MN) and Rashida Tlaib (MI), who support the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement against Israel, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY) who has called the occupation of Palestine a humanitarian crisis.

Working to reverse decreasing support for Israel


Israel’s Ha’aretz newspaper reports that pro-Israel groups in the U.S. “have tried to reverse this trend in lots of ways: free junkets to Israel for everyone from feminists to firefighters, increased educational programming on college campuses, and new organizations like Zioness.”


The Democratic Majority for Israel, in the words of its president, wants to make sure that the pro-Palestinian-human-rights trend doesn’t “metastasize into a bigger problem [sic].” Its specific role will be to “work within the progressive movement to advance policies that ensure a strong U.S.-Israel relationship.”


DMFI includes a number of influential Democrats, including a former governor, a cabinet member, Congressional reps, TV commentators, and a J.P. Morgan executive and top Democratic Party fundraiser.



Anonymous ID: fe52a5 Feb. 11, 2019, 10:34 a.m. No.5123809   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Cont. from images:

Other prominent DMFI board members are media commentator Paul Begala, former Clinton cabinet member Henry Cisneros, and two-time Michigan governor Jennifer Granholm.


Other board members are wealthy, well-connected Israel partisans from around the U.S. Many have lobbying and media connections. Below are their official bios.


DMFI’s board of directors

Mark Gerstein, Henry Cisneros, Cliff Chenfeld, Shelley Berkley, Paul Begala, Archie Gottesman, Jennifer Granholm, Anton Gunn, Edward Kelly, Sam Lauter, Barry Porter, Meghan Stabler, Peter Villegas



Anonymous ID: fe52a5 Feb. 11, 2019, 10:35 a.m. No.5123832   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3863 >>3958 >>4006

French, German farmers destroy crops after GMOs found in Bayer seeds


Bayer said on Wednesday that farmers in France and Germany were digging up thousands of hectares of rapeseed fields after traces of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) banned for cultivation were found in seeds sold by the company.


GMO crops are widely grown across the world, but they remain controversial in Europe, where very few varieties are authorized for growing and some countries like France have completely outlawed their cultivation, citing environmental risks.


Checks by the French authorities during the autumn showed minute quantities of GMO seeds, estimated at less than 0.005 percent of the volume, in three batches of rapeseed seeds sold under the Dekalb brand, Catherine Lamboley, Bayer’s chief operating officer for France, said.


Dekalb was previously a Monsanto brand before the U.S. company was taken over by Bayer last year.


The GMO found, which is a rapeseed variety grown in Canada, is not authorized for cultivation in Europe, although it is allowed in imports destined for food and animal feed, Lamboley said.


Bayer issued a product recall but some of the seed had already been sown, representing about 8,000 hectares in France and 2,500-3,000 hectares in Germany, which are in the process of being dug up, Bayer said.


It was not yet known what caused the contamination of the rapeseed seeds, produced in Argentina in a GMO-free area, Lamboley said.


“We decided to immediately stop all rapeseed seed production in Argentina,” she told Reuters in a phone interview.


Bayer’s Argentine rapeseed seeds were destined for the European market and represent 12 percent of its rapeseed supply for France, the company added.

Anonymous ID: fe52a5 Feb. 11, 2019, 10:36 a.m. No.5123842   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3852 >>3885

Israeli Forces Attempt to Cut Water Supply to Masafer Yatta


Israeli forces raided water pump rooms in the village of at-Tiwani, east of Masafer Yatta, south of the southern West Bank district of Hebron, said a local official.


Head of at-Tiwani village council, Mohammed Rabe’, told WAFA that Israeli forces, accompanied by staff from the Israeli civil administration, raided the water pump rooms in the village, and conducted search operations for the pipelines supplying the eastern part of Masafer Yatta with water, in an apparent prelude to cut off water supply to residents.


The popular committee coordinator in Yatta, Rateb al-Jabour, said that this measure aims at forcing the residents, shepherds and farmers to leave the area for the benefit of settlement expansion.

Anonymous ID: fe52a5 Feb. 11, 2019, 10:42 a.m. No.5123937   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3967


My father, Rabbi Dr. Samuel I. Cohen, zt’l served with distinction as the Executive Vice President of the Jewish National Fund of North america for over 25 years. On March 1, 1983, at the Grand Hyatt Hotel, in New York City, long before he was seeking the Presidency, my father and Charlotte Jacobson were privileged to present the JNF’s most covetous award, the “Tree of Life Award” to Donald Trump in appreciation of his outstanding dedication to the cause of American-Israeli friendship and for his support of Israel. Here is the plaque that hangs prominently in Mr. Trump’s office. I was at the banquet honoring Mr. Trump, and I recall his impassioned words about Israel. Afterwards, I recall my father telling me what a pleasure it was to deal with Mr. Trump. You can see the importance that Mr. Trump placed on this award, as it overlooks his desk in his office.