Tomorrow's a big day… or yet another "put numbers out there that lead one to believe that to confuse/force action from the Cabal."
Post 144 earlier Notable. What makes 144? 12x12. 2/12 is tomorrow. Standard Q numberfag stuff is to start with the center number and read out from there in each direction, using the center number twice. Ex. "SIN" = "IS IN"… 2/12 = 12 12 (144).
12, 12 is also JK, JK (John Kennedy 2)
I've been seeing "48" everywhere. Can't figure out what it represents. It can be added for 12 and multiplied for 32, but left alone, it a perfect mirror on the clock of tomorrow, using the vertical clock axis as the reflection point. [12] going clockwise from midnight is [-12] or [48] on the vertical axis mirror side. Thats a 24-minute gap, and I've been seeing 24 everywhere, but figred it might be 42 (Clinton) or two fours–44 (Obama). Not conclusive but it's another fit.
I've seen "122" everywhere and thought it was a play on 11/22 (JFK shot), but it's obviously a perfect match as an anagram for 212.
As a bit of a numberfag, I'm ALWYS noticing numbers here, and I don't specifically document it 99% of the time…I just develop a feel for what I see repeated over and over. Anyway, we'll see what happens. 2/12 has felt really strong for about a month or two now… but it could be disinfo, or off by 2 days or 5 days… or whatever.