maybe if we stalk the claimant and tel them stoopid shit and practice our idolatry covertly no one will notice all the gematria tissue harvesting
and celebrateing serial killer pedovores doesn;t play into their occult sacrifice shit
maybe it;s a stassi gangstalking of the scientologists washing the cia cocaine money
it's prol passive aggressive fake jew devil worship
so these famewhores are asking for a hammer in discordian satanism
still want grab your potatoes and nickels though
seems the FEtards are real chicken shit and dependant on bots for their antisemitism game
that's L Ron hubbard's tranny suit for cocaine hauling
lord of teh ghey jew noodles
how magical
bush family era cow rectum gollem feltchers from lord of the queers
maybe these bots will do something productive later
david hogg needs more elon hole backfill
backfill it real hard in front of it;s tranny mom
see how the homos group together when they need their elon hole backfilled real hard
russian potatoes did all this
hogg is gonna needs it;s elon hole pounded a lot by anything that trannys for shekels or eat's it's own
what a ghetto jubillee