Why are Millennials so Poor/Liberal/Depressed/Dumb?
I think it' s safe to say that Millennials are the most infamous generation yet. Every generation has their stereotypes, but Millennials are being constantly bashed for the multitude of stereotypes that surround them. If you type "why are Millennials so" into Google, the suggested next words are poor, liberal, depressed, and dumb. These suggestions aren't surprising; Millennials are constantly being accused of being lazy, social justice warriors, easily offended, etc. I like to think most aren't true. I would consider myself liberal, and unlike a lot of people I don't consider that a bad word. My doctor would definitely consider me depressed. But I don't go to school full time and work two jobs to be called lazy and dumb. But let's say for the most part these stereotypes are true. After all, I went to a high school with 700 people and a college with 3,500. I couldn't speak for the entire generation having only met a small amount, so maybe I'm wrong. If they are true, then why exactly are Millennials so poor, liberal, depressed, and dumb?