Anonymous ID: 0dce47 Feb. 11, 2019, 4:51 p.m. No.5129793   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9810 >>9920 >>0001 >>0122 >>0202


"You are witnessing the greatest 'DISINFORMATION' campaign to ever be pushed by a political party.

Ask yourself, why?

FEAR of what?

The message must be direct.

The WAR is very real.



Didn't want this to be so long. But…


So those who aren't woke, do see all that is happening, but don't know WHY? Q is asking us to explain to them WHY. If we can be direct and connect the dots for them, they may finally get it. It's all about Globalists and New World Order. Separating America into Repubs and Dems is a way of dividing us. WE must make them understand it's Globalists v Patriots. Awhile ago, we made 'The 16-Year Plan To Destroy America' chart,but apparently, that didn't wake them.


Globalists want to rule us, the sheep, as they call us. It's all about controlling us and maintaining their power and money train. Always, always, Follow The Money.


Fucking up the minds of our children from grade school through college and churning out sjw's who know nothing about history, economics, science, integrity, work ethic (Common Core, transgender bathrooms, locker rooms, etc). Turning our boys into cowards. Brainwashing parents that you must send your children to College or else you're a failure, instead of Trade Schools.


We go on to THE WHY'S:


Why did Obama Admin deplete our Military to level below what it was before World WarII? To weaken America


Why did Diane Fienstein travel to China? China was to be the new World Power


Why were so many top brass of FBI fired? They were involved in lying to Court to take down Trump. President Trump is in the way of their money train and power.


Why Russia, Russia, Russia? Hillary Clinton sold America's Uranium to Russia Millions which was deposited to Clinton Foundation. Globalists knew.


Why do Globalists want Open Borders? They are paid by cartels and make billions on drugs, child sex trafficking, MS-13 to kill off our Police Officers and anyone else they feel like killing.


Why Globalists don't want Voter ID? Because they're losing Black Vote and need Illegal Aliens' Votes.


Why are States now approving late term abortions. Infanticide? To cover for Planned Parenthood. PP takes our taxes and launders it to Campaigns of Globalists. A full term baby's brain is worth appx. $4,000. PP sells baby parts.


Why did 70,000 people die last year of overdoses? Because China and Mexico are adding fentanyl to heroin. Killing off Americans one by one. 300 per week. On Purpose.


Why are they now red-flagging and confiscating guns from responsible Americans? So they can control Americans, leaving us undefensible against violent thugs who have guns that aren't registered.


Why do Globalists want "Medicare for All"? Control. Look at other Countries with Governm't Healthcare. I've seen it personally. It's sub-standard healthcare. You're put on a waiting list. When they get to you, they get to you. There will be no second opinion. If you don't like it, too bad.


Why does the Media Lie to You? They are controlled by Globalists. It's not Trump lying to you, it's the Media.


What do they Fear? They fear United Americans which leads to loss of Money and Power. And Prison. This is WHY it's a War.

If Anons can think of anything else, please add to this. If I'm wrong on anything, please correct. ty

Anonymous ID: 0dce47 Feb. 11, 2019, 5:06 p.m. No.5130069   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0156 >>0163


gotta get away from D's and R's. Hammer their brains with Globalists v Patriots. Was going to say Globalists v Nationalists. But Nationalists has turned into white supremacists. so fucked up