You know, if I was running a board such as this, I would blacklist and redirect all traffic from known vpn ip pools. Where would it redirect, you ask? To the vpn service connected to the board. Where you have to register for an account. Registration takes 48 hours. (You'd still be anonymous, because you came in on a vpn). The local vpn service would only be for those posting from a vpn. Reading requires no local vpn login.
Being a shill, or engaging in shill behavior? Local vpn account terminated. You are welcome to get another one. It will take 48 hours. Kek. Clean sweep every 7 days on any account that hasn't posted multiple times in that time.
Ah, what I could do to keep out the shills, if only I had the money! Kek!
(Only a half assed idea, Anons. Not really looking for criticism and or improvements.)