So apparently fake ass anons don't know the kikes runs the music biz. Edgar Bronfman Jr. Seagram's. Nuff.
Can't have a NWO without a Kalergi plan or agenda 21-2030.
Kill the white people so the (((white))) people can run the world.
Wake and bake, always.
Kikes sure aren't that bright for kvetching about muh IQ all the time.
KYS, isreal-first traitor.
Still stuck on your shit Human Resources memz and kvetching for the (((enemy)))? Check.
Gas, soon. Traitor.
Wrong. Guess what?
This is an AMERICAN operation.
Isreal to the BACK of the line, nigger.
You won't see any real Americans kvetching for foreign powers, except isreal-first traitors and paid jidf kikes. Which are you?
You fucks are too easy, going to go ahead and screenshot your current script for when you faggots change it.
Keep poking the bear, ask Japan how that worked out for them.
The ghosts of 9/11 are coming to skull fuck you niggers.
Reminder, as someone who's been to a POTUS rally, only VIP are allowed behind him. Family of media, USSS, etc.
Yes. Military and LEO VIPs as well.