Does drawing a Q in the air magically put the cabal in jail?
Does it release cures to diseases?
Does it do anything fucking thing other that helps anyone, anywhere, ever??
>Kill yourself faggot
Be careful what you wish for.
>You sound really butthurt
The irony of this phrase when discussing the pedo cabal i'm sure is lost on you.
He made a Q sign clown. Now what?
How does that change ANY.FUCKING.THING that matters to anyone anywhere?
Answer my question you low IQ douchnozzle, if you can…
God you're all idiots here now. Literally, all autists have left and nothing but muh patriot idiots here now. FFS.
>No one here is actually obsessed with the possible air-Q
No shit, sherlock.
The ONLY thing that should matter is DEMONSTRATED ARRESTS.
You know factual shit that people have been asking for going on 2 years now.
Fuck off sheeplecuck. Demand nothing and enjoy your slavery.
NPC much?