CHAPTER 3 of 3
"My fellow Americans, noble people of Mexico and people of the world: I come before you to make good on my promise to you all that I would build The Wall. In fact, nothing worth doing is worth doing… unwell–or something like that. To you all, I say I shall build more than one wall."
The crowds assembled before him let out a deafening wail, causing the audio system to tamp-back the volume a bit.
"Hear me out–hear me out," President Trump insisted as he used his small hands to push back against the cries of "Impeach! Impeach!" and "Hil-la-ry! Hil-la-ry!"
The video that appeared in the center of the matrix sported a scrolling line of text at the bottom that said, "Celebrities are afraid they'll be trapped in Canada–never to see their families again."
When the time was right, President Trump continued, "That's right. I shall build four walls–times a hundred–times a thousand! And each wall will be enclosed yet disconnected from the others."
The crowd was clearly confused, mouths hanging open.
"And each single group of four walls will have a roof–a good roof because I know how to build 'em. I'm tellin' ya, it's gonna be tremendous!"
The crowd went silent as he continued.
"This is where we start. Our nation is built upon its Constitution. Its Constitution is built upon the Rule of Law. Our government has performed a great disservice to its citizens, the noble people of Mexico and to the World at large. We failed to follow the Rule of Law. Our law. We allowed people who arrived here illegally to stay here in our nation hoping they would vote for the people guilty of complicity. We made great efforts to create so-called 'Sanctuary Cities' and, perhaps worst of all, we ignored the Rule of Law.
"That cannot stand. Without the Rule of Law and complete dedication to upholding it, we are nothing."
"I am proposing to Congress and the Supreme Court that our nation's breaking of the Rule of Law, that is, ensuring those here illegally are deported and must enter legally through the Immigration and Naturalization Service–which, by the way, was abolished back in 2003 and replaced with Homeland Security–UGE mistake–that our complacency in not performing every one of these deportations has the consequence of sending the wrong message to illegal immigrants–again–our fault. And that it comes at a cost. Therefore, I propose to the other two august branches of our government that we implore every illegal immigrant to help us load the trains once thought of as 'Dachau Trains' with themselves–carrying lumber, tile, nails and any other building materials that will be used to create communities on the Mexican side of the border to house them all. They will build these communities and earn a stipend in doing so. We'll be building libraries, schools, restaurants–everything a thriving community needs. And we'll do it with their help. "
"This is our penance. This is our gift to those we have failed."
"When–and IF–they want to return to America, it will be via the newly reformed Immigration and Naturalization Service–which, as I said, suffered a UGE mistake. There will be those who don't want to go. We know this. However it turns out, we will try our level best to make the transition from our soil to your Mexican soil as painless as possible within our means–that's a promise. Those that help build these communities will earn credit–time off the length of time it takes to legally emigrate into our country. They will also be allowed to cross the border and work in America until they can emigrate legally or find a job in their own land."
After the entire speech was played, Dad killed the video and sat down next to his son.
"Does that explain all you need to write the report?" he asked his son.
"I think so. I'm excited! I'm telling you, dad, it's gonna be a UGE report–tremendous, just tremendous!"