What's Good Day Shift?? Ahhhhh, it's like the gold old days, waking up to lots of Q. Phase 3 looking solid so far. Shadilay Anons!!
No real Anons are asking for any more "Proof", and I agree with what you said 100%.
Some of these "anons" are starting to remind me of the crowd that one teacher was talking about when he remarked that no matter HOW much evidence was given, they were still more interested in "seeing sings", than actually bringing Heaven to Earth. KEK!!
Yeah, I can't remember the last time Night Shift was buzzing with Q and then I woke up to the same. I'm 100% Comfy, but I know that it rises the vibe of the board, and I LOVE what Q is saying.
Was the original "offers" of 80/20 and 60/40 just to bait the bad actors into thinking they might have their works hidden and now that's gone?? I hope. I want 100% TRUTH.
I had a Q-friend tell me last Spring that the November parade wasn't going to happen and that I should book my tickets to DC for July 4th, 2019. Hmmmmm…..
Trips confirm.
I wish Q would tell me what kind of beer is the Team's favorite so I can get to crafting a brew for them for after the storm.
TRUTH Belongs With THE PEOPLE!!!!
Verdict(s) dropping??
What I have thought since day one is that you need what, THREE big players to flip and give it all up?? And there's a LOT to pic from worldwide. I mean, we already have everything, but that Narrative you know??