It's the evil money MAKEING you do evil stuff btw
The lucre curse is from France
Might have old german gold bonds Bullshit on it too huh
Your homo won't stand out at the gay bar
(You) should let trannys buy (you) drinks at the gay bar
The black tranny has the best cocaine at the gay bar
This homo totally needs more gay bar
Don't buy Jewish cocaine at the gay bar
Schumer needs to lick the El Paso stripper pole
Fake Jew cocaine is not cocaine but cursed zombie powder ~ rev 3:9
Worst cocaine ponys
Fexas cocaine politics for the gay bar
Got out of Jew cocaine decades ago
Scientologist tranny cocaine show for the gay bar
Goldman Sachs feltcher pr0n
Faggot goy cocaine show at the gay bar
Fake blow from fake Jews
Worst cocaine pony show
You need more Jew cocaine faggot goy