Anonymous ID: 9bf1f0 Feb. 12, 2019, 9:30 a.m. No.5142236   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2305 >>2540 >>2541

JEWISH LEADERS Thank President Trump In New York Times Full Page Ad – Criticize Freshman Democrats on Anti-Semitic Positions


Jewish Leaders Praise for Trump efforts to combat Anti-Semitism, criticism for Dem support for anti-Israel causes.


American Jewish leaders took out a full-page advertisement in the New York Times on Thursday to thank President Donald Trump for his efforts to combat anti-Semitism.

The ad praised Donald Trump and criticizes the class of freshman Democrats and their anti-Semitic positions.


JEWISH LEADERS Thank President Trump In New York Times Full Page Ad – Criticize Freshman Democrats on Anti-Semitic Positions

Jim Hoft by Jim Hoft February 12, 2019 131 Comments


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Jewish Leaders Praise for Trump efforts to combat Anti-Semitism, criticism for Dem support for anti-Israel causes.


American Jewish leaders took out a full-page advertisement in the New York Times on Thursday to thank President Donald Trump for his efforts to combat anti-Semitism.

The ad praised Donald Trump and criticizes the class of freshman Democrats and their anti-Semitic positions.


The Jewish Voice reported:


The leaders also criticize the Iranian regime for its anti-Semitic comments and calls out a new class of freshman Democrats who have advocated in favor of Israel boycotts.


“While the Iranian Majlis has long demonized Israel, anti-Semitic voices can now be heard in the halls of the British Parliament and even the U.S. Congress,” the ad states. “We thank President Trump for his courageous, clear eyed leadership in engaging in the fight to defeat anti-Semitism. We stand shoulder to shoulder with President Trump in saying, ‘Never Again,’ and we pledge our full commitment to helping his administration, including Special Envoy Carr, in the days, weeks, and months to come.” (Washington Free Beacon)


The ad was posted just three days before Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar posted several anti-Semitic and anti-Israel tweets.

Anonymous ID: 9bf1f0 Feb. 12, 2019, 9:33 a.m. No.5142281   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2335 >>2406 >>2489

America's 1% Hasn't Had This Much Wealth Since The Roaring Twenties


MarketWatch published a piece today called “It’s been almost 100 years since America’s 1% had this much wealth“:


It’s not fashionable to wear flapper dresses and do the Charleston, but 1920s-style wealth inequality is definitely back in style.


New research says America’s ultra-rich haven’t held as much of the country’s wealth since the Jazz Age, those freewheeling times before the country’s finances shattered.


“U.S. wealth concentration seems to have returned to levels last seen during the Roaring Twenties,” wrote Gabriel Zucman, an economics professor at the University of California, Berkeley.


Zucman said all the research on the issue also points to large wealth concentrations in China and Russia in recent decades. The same thing is happening in France and the U.K., but at a “more moderate rise,” the paper said.


In 1929 — before Wall Street’s crash unleashed the Great Depression — the top 0.1% richest adults’ share of total household wealth was close to 25%, according to Zucman’s paper, which was distributed by the National Bureau of Economic Research.

Anonymous ID: 9bf1f0 Feb. 12, 2019, 9:36 a.m. No.5142347   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2541 >>2578

The Rothschild Family

The Secret of A Fortune


You have all heard of the famous Rothschild family of bankers, who were as much famous for their great wealth as for their great charitableness. The founder of this world-famous banking firm was Mayer Amschel Rothschild, who was born in Frankfort 214 years ago, in a very religious family, several members of which were rabbis. His father Amschel Moses Rothschild, who died a year after Mayer Amschel became Bar Mitzvah, had hoped that his son would be a rabbi. Instead, he became one of the world's greatest financiers, yet remained strictly religious and humble, and Jews everywhere could speak with great pride of him.


How did this young orphan, born in the judengasse (Jewish Quarter). in Frankfort become so successful and so wealthy? Well, there is a story current among Chassidim that reveals the secret of his unusual success. It's a heartwarming, story and you will be glad to read it here. The hero of our story, however, is his father Anschel Moses.


In a small town in Galicia, called Tschortkow, the Jewish community appointed a rabbi, who was known for his great scholarship and piety. His name was Zevi Hurwitz, and he was affectionately called Rabbi Hershelle Tschortkower. He was known as a saintly man, and many came to him for advice, or for a blessing. He tried to help everybody, and most of all the poor orphans and widows, for whom he collected special funds. In addition, moneys left in trust for orphans and widows were placed in his hands for safe-keeping.


Now, a rabbi with such responsibilities required a Shamash (a beadle). His duties included the running of errands for the Rabbi, accompanying him on his way, handing him a sepher (holy book) when the Rabbi was studying, taking care of the visitors who came to the Rabbi, and so on.


This was not a well-paid job, but Anschel Moses was a young man in his teens, whose personal needs were small. Not much of a scholar himself, Ansehel Moses was anxious to serve such a great scholar and rabbi as Rabbi Hershelle Tschortkower, and when the opportunity presented itself, he was very happy to become the Shamash, and he was treated as one of the Rabbi's family, enjoying their fullest confidence.


Soon, the time came when Anschel Moses had to think of getting married and raising a family. He married into a modest Jewish family in the nearby town of Sniatyn, where he went to live. His father-in-law helped him to open a small store there.

Anonymous ID: 9bf1f0 Feb. 12, 2019, 9:39 a.m. No.5142397   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2541

The Father of The Rothschilds


It was on the first night of Succos in the year 1812 that Mayer Anschel Rothschild passed away in Frankfurt, Germany. He was the father of the famous Rothschild family. Jews, and many non-Jews, mourned the loss of this great Jewish banker and legendary personality. Mayer Anschel was greatly respected for his complete honesty and pride in his Jewishness. He was admired even by kings and princes and the nobility.


The Jews of Frankfurt told many many interesting stories about this unique gentleman. Among these was a story which caused a stir in the highest circles of the non-Jewish world. We bring you here this story.


One spring day, an elegant carriage rode up to the iron gate of the Frankfurt ghetto. An old man and a boy, aged about ten, emerged from the carriage. They entered the ghetto and began to thread their way through the narrow, winding streets.


"Why have you brought me here?" the boy asked the old man, who was his teacher and guardian.


"The future ruler of this land should get to know all the residents and citizens, and the Jews have an important part in the economy of the land," answered the old man.


"I have heard some stories, which are not so nice, about these wandering Jews. Didn't they refuse to follow our faith, and so were punished for their obstinacy in keeping to their own ancient religion?" the young prince said, questioningly.


"My son, not everything you hear is true. One must see with one's own eyes what is true and what is not true. That is the reason I have brought you here today, so that you will personally become acquainted with these people," said the old man.


"Yes, indeed! Many false stories have been spread about us, and we are often persecuted cruelly for no reason," a strange young voice unexpectedly broke into their conversation.


The two visitors to the ghetto turned around to see from where the voice came. They were astonished to see a small Jewish boy who seemed to have appeared from nowhere. He was dressed in plain but clean clothes, with a yarmulka on his head, and with curly payot creeping out near his ears. He had bright, sparkling eyes, which now gazed at the visitors challengingly.


"And who invited you to join in our company and conversation?" the old man demanded, pretending to be annoyed.


10 Min read rest in link:


Last sentence

The story and reputation of the Rothschilds' honesty spread far and wide, in royal courts and other circles. Thus did Mayer Anschel Rothschild leave as a heritage to his sons not only a great fortune, but, what is even more precious, the value of a good name.

Anonymous ID: 9bf1f0 Feb. 12, 2019, 9:42 a.m. No.5142475   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2541

Kabbalah Online Holidays Purim Contemporary Kabbalists

Even Above the Lottery


Even in spiritual realms where all is one, the Jewish People are special to G-d.


We can now understand the greatness of Purim's miracle. By casting the pur-lottery, Haman attained a position higher than the Worlds. At that location, darkness and light are equivalent. As Solomon hinted, "The spider captures its prey with its handiwork [since] it is inside the King's palace." (Proverbs 30:28; see Torah Ohr, page 5:b) That's why "Haman schemed to erect a fifty-cubit high gallows" (Esther 5:14), for the Fiftieth Gate is above the system of Worlds.


This is the miracle of Purim. Despite the fact this level is elevated above the system of Worlds - where darkness is the same as light - nonetheless, even there: "He will choose for us our inheritance, the pride of Jacob that He loves for eternity." (Psalms 47:5) His choice will be within Jewish souls.


Jewish souls are supreme within the sefira of chochma. As Moses supplicated, "Gaze down from Your divine abode, from the heavens, and bless Your nation Israel." (Deut. 26:15) "Your Divine abode" refers to the sefira of chochma. The verse then concludes, "…and bless Your nation Israel."


Haman thought he could preempt the preeminence of the Jews by ascending above chochma into the pre-Creation site of Infinity. In this elevated position, darkness is similar to light. Nevertheless, G‑d "foiled his plot." (Prayer liturgy for Purim)

Through the Jews' willingness to sacrifice their lives…they reached the level above the system of Worlds….


Through the Jews' willingness to sacrifice their lives for the duration of almost a whole year, they reached the level above the system of Worlds. This is because self-sacrifice exceeds reason, understanding and even the faculty of Will. It is impelled by the essence of the soul.


The Talmud remarks about marriage, "A wife is selected in heaven for each man according to his conduct." (Sota 2a) Although matches are made in the realm of Divinity, which is above Worlds, nevertheless they are decided precisely in accord with man's deeds. By means of the Jews' acts of veritable self-sacrifice, then, even regarding the lofty level of Infinity above the system of Worlds, still, G‑d "will choose for us our inheritance, the pride of Jacob that He loves for eternity."


Moses hinted to this miracle in the verse "For Jacob is the lot of G‑d's inheritance." (Deut. 32:9) Onkelos, the second-century Sage, translates the verse as pertaining to a lottery. (Targum Onkelos on the verse) Hence, even regarding the level of lotteries, where darkness is similar to light, G‑d selects the "pride of Jacob".


[Translated and adapted by David Rothschild from a discourse on Purim 5713/1953]

Anonymous ID: 9bf1f0 Feb. 12, 2019, 9:47 a.m. No.5142541   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>5142236 JEWISH LEADERS Thank President Trump In New York Times Full Page Ad

>>5142347, >>5142397, >>5142475, Chabad.prg Showing their love for the Rothschild's and all they say


The kitchen needs to start noting this shit


Kushner is Chabad

Trump was bailed out by Wilbur Ross when he was running Rothschild & Co, now he's in charge of finance.