This sums up the absolute state of America in 2019. A Jewish-funded Cuban scolds a Jewish-funded Muslim for daring to criticize Israel.
Wow look at this obvious (((Spirit Cooker)))
✅verified op ed writer at Forward
✅constantly attacks whites as ‘atrocious,’ ‘racist,’ ‘privileged,’ etc
✅pro-open borders
✅claims regulating immigration is rooted in racism
✅claims stating facts is anti-Semitic & everyone she doesn’t like is an anti-Semite
✅verified rabbi
✅tells ‘fellow white people’ what to do
✅alleges white women sexually abused black men
✅says America is white supremacist country
✅calls white people ‘idiots’ who ‘ruin everything’
✅tells people not to generalize Jews
These are their spiritual leaders folks
✅verified writer & founder of feminist publication (Bitch Media)
✅attacked Covington kids
✅refers to white women as ‘fellow white women’
✅attacks white men, calling them ‘mediocre, ‘fragile,’ etc.
✅everyone she dislikes is a white nationalist or supremacist
✅verified journalist
✅says noticing that whites are being replaced by non-whites is ‘racist bullshit’
✅claims Trump won bc of ‘racism’
✅says Wall is ‘rooted in racism against brown people’
✅claims that all immigration laws are ‘rooted in racism’
✅verified director & film producer
✅claims racism is in America’s DNA
✅claims Hollywood run by white men
✅wants to smash the patriarchy
✅despises the ‘obscene sea of white men in Congress’
✅shills for immigration
✅verified gay comedian
✅stars in show promoting LGBTQ lifestyles & diversity
✅dislikes white people, especially straight white people
✅calls Trump a ‘racist’
✅claims Trump supporters are a threat & ‘have destroyed the heart & soul of America’
It's in their own words…what's wrong, are you having difficulties noticing?
✅verified journalist
✅exec editor at conservative publication
✅fetishizes amnesty Reagan & immigrants
✅incessantly attacked candidate Trump, calling him a ‘racist’
✅is concerned about white identity & racism in the GOP
✅claims that blacks still face racism
It never ends fam
✅verified journalist
✅incessantly pushes open borders—demonizing those who disagree
✅celebrates when anti-immigration pols lose
✅tells whites their ‘fear of a brown planet is not my problem’
✅claims anti-immigration policies are bad for Jews
This one was almost too easy fam
✅verified academic
✅former Hillary & State Dept. policy advisor
✅refers to white women as ‘fellow white women’
✅wants to see LGBTQ & non-white presidents bc Trump doesn’t represent America
✅hates white men & wants them to cede power
Give them some time, they're probably working on their (((narrative)))
They're so stupid, they can't even bait anymore.
✅verified gay journalist
✅attacked Covington kids
✅hates that Constitution bestows power on white rural voters
✅despises majority white Russia
✅bemoans ‘widespread racism among white voters’
✅calls Trump & his supporters ‘racist white supremacists’
✅verified journalist/media personality
✅often instructs ‘fellow white people’
✅thinks something is the matter with white women
✅doesn’t like white men
✅obsessed with dispossessing whites
✅doesn’t like to see ‘angry white people in charge’
Gotta catch ‘em all!
✅verified ‘trans chick’
✅Hollywood actor/writer/director/producer
✅claims to be Christian & that bible supports transgenderism
✅demonizes whites
✅attacked & lied about Covington Catholic kids
✅can’t wait for ‘white supremacist capitalist patriarchy’ to be destroyed
should I keep going?
Anyone still need assistance with (((pattern recognition)))???
If I'm shilling, I'm shilling for the White European Race, which has contributed more to humanity than any other.
I am exposing those who hate the White European Race and seek to destroy it.
If that's what you mean by shilling then fine, I accept the label.
✅verified Hollywood actor
✅promotes interracial relationships
✅despises whites
✅all his enemies are ‘racists’
✅pushes immigration and refugees
✅despises white nationalism
-verified sports journalist✅
-absolutely despises white men✅
-blames Trump presidency on ‘toxic racist backwardness by whites’✅
-‘will never understand white people’✅
-claims to be a white male✅
I’m beginning to think these people don’t like us very much
verified author✅
purple hair✅
tells white women not to associate with other white women✅
wants white women banned✅
wants white men to lose their power✅
claims racist white people oppress POC✅
tells whites to quit thinking as members of a group✅
She ain’t Amish fam
>verified journalist/academic/feminist
>addresses whites as her ‘fellow white folks’
>claims ‘white male fragility is toxic & dangerous’
>tells white men to give their positions to women & POC
>refuses to teach or write on the works of white male authors
>verified transsexual
>secularist who despises religion
>calls Christians ‘fat, mostly white, dumb as newborns’
>promotes alternative sexual lifestyles to children
>fights rightwing ‘extremism’ & ‘racism’
>performs in play that mocks white men
>snarky verified author/journalist
>claims Trump’s anti-immigration policies are racist and xenophobic
>insinuates all white people are racist
>tells his ‘fellow white people’ to ignore racial statistics and stereotypes
Oh boy, another verified journalist who despises white men and claims that Trump supporters are racist, misogynistic, and anti-Semitic…
Who could have predicted this?
Sorry I dont know how to "bun them up" I don't come here often, I'm just trying to wake up the normies who are stuck on the hopium train here that never arrives.
verified user✅
pushes diversity in tech industry✅
advocates for whites to be replaced✅
claims whites are more dangerous than immigrants✅
wants old white men dispossessed✅
claims America is land of immigrants✅
claims America First is dangerous✅
Yes, you know how this ends folks!
>verified journalist/left wing writer 170k followers!
>thinks white identity is bad
>demonizes whites as ‘racists’
>guilt trips whites
>claims Trump movement was founded by white supremacist
>understands that demographics are destiny and GOP is doomed
Yowzer, yet another verified journalist who claims to be white, but also despises whites and thinks ‘whiteness’ is a mental disease?
I’m starting to notice a pattern fam
senior fellow for left wing propagandist (Media Matters)✅
attacks anyone opposed to limitless immigration✅
everyone he doesn’t like is a ‘racist’✅
jokes about white genocide✅
cries anti-semitism when someone points out that his dad is rich hedge fund manager✅
>We white people are all racists and must recognize our white privilege
It never ever ends folks.
>successful Hollywood director
>verified Twitter user
>wants white men dispossessed
>promotes diversity and melting pot narrative
> Pretends to praise WWII generation.
> Spits on their graves by advocating for raciaI replacement of their grandchildren.
The birth of legal immigration…
verified journalist✅
Atlantic senior editor✅
guilt trips whites✅
advocates for mixed race families✅
pushes gay & interracial relationships✅
I can go all day anons.
Here's the thing - I've been searching months for a (((Verified Journalist))) who's actually pro-white,pro-western civ, pro-America but I can't seem to find a single one that isn't completely full of shit. Funny, that.
verified journalist✅
claims to be white✅
champions diversity✅
despises white men✅
attacks symbols of white identity and history✅
No matter how hard I try, I’ll never be able to collect them all. There aren’t enough hours in the day folks.
"Wreak havoc on white America by flooding it with life-destroying opiates…
Wha!?!? Another verified journalist who claims to be white, while also claiming that ‘the human race is better off without white people’?
Once you start noticing, it becomes a survival mechanism folks. You cannot go back. Their hatred for us is never ending.
That's why the board is full of shills trying to prevent you from noticing, but their tactics don't work anymore, and they are in a panic.
-Marxist atheist✅
-advocates for gun control✅
-looks down on white men✅
-advocates for immigration✅
-claims Trump ‘deliberately energized a white supremacist movement’✅
Oh boy, another cosmopolitan journalist droning on about ‘racism’ and claiming that being against open borders is ‘racist’? You don’t see that literally hundreds of times a day.
It's never ending though, you'd end up with 6,000,000+ magic cards. ain't got time for that but please feel free to steal and repost everywhere you can.
-obsessed with dispossessing whites, especially white men✅
-demonizes whites as racists, especially southerners✅
-doesn’t care about whites being murdered✅
-thinks defending US border is bad✅
The examples are as endless as their hatred for us
>finds protecting white Americans from being replaced by non-whites ‘disturbing’
>claims ‘patriarchy is the norm; rape culture is the norm…’
>despises white Christian men
>hates Russia bc it’s white & Christian
It’s all so tiresome.
>powerful media influencer
>former editor in chief of the Daily Beast
>opposed to white nationalism and nationalism in general
>opposed to ’the racism Wall’
>refers to people he doesn’t like as racists and fascists
It never ends
How exciting, a blue check mark feminist who claims to be white, actively advocates for white women to disown white men, seeks to destroying white marriages, attacks white motherhood, and is pro-open borders.
This is the song that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friend…
The idea that rich and powerful (((Globalists))) control America and are using mass migration to undermine the economic & political power of working Americans is a crazy right-wing conspir-
lol yeah, the real Sargon of Mossad lmao
What a strange coincidence, another verified user who constantly attacks whites, calls everyone he doesn’t like a ‘white supremacist,’ thinks whites should be oppressed, and openly celebrates whites becoming a minority.
Jews truly despise you white America.