What stalks ya
And feeds ya fake Jew noodles
It's TAvistock fake Jew hams
What stalks ya
And feeds ya fake Jew noodles
It's TAvistock fake Jew hams
It's about eight or more on the cdma
And the cellular bug bot couldn't be deleted
Stupid dogg boy josh wishing for baalzebub
There is a pink house on a hill bout half a mile down the bush family slaughtered kids in the pool for the rothschilds
It's also where the honey boo boo ghosts came from
And what started the miss teen USA pageants
Faggots need more tranny cocaine
It's before the last Highlander house that's for sale where they were beheading people
The FBI tranny factory came from the Clinton assassination josh and Daniel influenced and organized for deantonio to coverup the murders of pedogate in the FBI index
That nappy ass hot springs in radium already got gutted forvwires after the Faggots renovated it anyways
Maybe that's how walrus josh became lunchmeat in the matrix
Choose Whitaker fake Jew ham
Why does thule need a wall for their cocaine ?
Maybe it's a jelly donut curse of Berlin
So we can hunt hams with questions now
Are you homo
Are you a Jew
Why are you here
It's prol Cold War necromancy mixed in with Native American slave drives from Prescott bush era cocaine hauls that preserves their white fleshy fake Jew ham appearance
You mean cocaine is really fake Jew zombie dust that has a curse ?
That's right
And if these tards stop spamming their face in pedogate they turn a funny color
So the fake cocaine from fake Jews for a fake news cycle keeps the dreidel of zombies spinning in Bullshit ?
The politicians are the zombies
But what about npc
Npc is a mix of old polish zombies and downwinders that fake the gay for cia flesh gematria
So does that influence the Scientology and their cocaine wash for cia branding ?
THe trannys selling the cocaine would know more
Jew noodles needing cocaine money to wash
So this is just some stupid high school drama about cocaine or about zombies ?
It's actually dramatic zombies pushing a fake and homo narrative for the cocaine merchants
But if npc is invested in trump and trump is an American cocaine dealer pedophile
What do we do ?
Well that's hard to answer
Cause trump was originally a foul mouthed tyrant made from cow anus of the trinity bomb
Intell called it fart Vader and it went on to be the secret cult leader of the oto and aliester crawled necromancy the macabre circus had the rothschild judas fehgels hooked on
So what your saying is fart Vader is spray painted orange with fake and gay necromancy
We'll there's a lucifer spectrum that's bullshitting baphomet and that's prol why Scientology want (you) to suck on buttholes
Heads on pikes
I bet the whole matrix franchise was a gematria Talmud huffing gestapi wet dream of peanut butter programming for serial killer pedos
Prol stuffing their head on a pike was about the only thing that was real in the movie anyways
So this is disenfranchised fake Jew homo hams ?
Most of these faggots pledged their dick to the local funeral parlor for fake Jew zombie powder
That's not weed
MAYbe you can rub buttholes with them
Panicfagging trannywhore
It's a bizarre seo fetish for muhsatan and lucre
Whitaker will homo according to certain African tribes
Bridle enough to pull a wagon or ploughing