Well I don't really agree, but I kinda understand your points. But if you move up a few thousand feet and understand even physics accepts a lot of things can only be solved on the surface of multidimensional objects (4D Hypersphere). Thus I kind of agree in that I feel our entire 4D Space/Time is on "surface" like a bubble. The rest is known by God.
I suppose in a multidimensional view that is possible too
Are you all telling me people are more likely to accept flat earth than a universe with a large number of dimensions that we only perceive 4. Dimensions we have solid mathematics on with Chaos Theory and Lorentz and Mandelbrot set? It it because the are partial dimensions because the angle we can 'view' them at is less than 90 degrees?
But a complex multidimensional reality all but proves a divinity.
Not quite right. It is possible there is large spaces (of partial/fractal dimensions hidden underneath the Space/Time) between adjacent places on the earth (any mass actually). Think beaches and fractals, and plant growth and fractals.
3 sides for X Y and Z axis. Or a Triangle
4D plane is on a 4D hypersphere, a Hopf Fibration. Shown to map electron orbitals.