Daily Reminder that Angela Merkel was born on July 17, 1954.
Daily Reminder that Adolph Hitler died in 1963.
Good luck with his kid, Deutschland.
Daily Reminder that Angela Merkel was born on July 17, 1954.
Daily Reminder that Adolph Hitler died in 1963.
Good luck with his kid, Deutschland.
Anyone's asshole that doesn't pucker up to a 10 knowing that there were D Boys running ops in LA regarding a biohazard/possible WMD just ain't payin' attention.
Maxine Waters' Tract 3357 Lot 96 in Kern County doesn't exist.
Can't say. Couldn't be more than 300 lbs., did not look less than 50.
Good point. All the Jew haters are the worst people on the planet.
Guessing nobody told you there's no antidote for the red pill.