>>5108596 op
What the anon above suggested was the “insurance policy” is also a bridge between the following:
Uranium One, Rosatom, Hussein, Dubai, Russia’s K-Club containers filled with cruise missile systems ready to launch any kind of WMD, In-Q-Tel, Tony Rezko, and BHO’s 2014 Pelican Project – which positioned the UAE’s Gulftainer cargo ops at Cape Canaveral, FL. And more.
“In 2015 President Barack Obama’s Administration quietly approved the hand-over of cargo container operations at Florida’s Port Canaveral to Gulftainer, a Middle Eastern ports company owned by the Emir of Sharjah of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Iraqi businessman Hamid Dhia Jafar. Hamid Jafar is the brother and the business partner of Dr. Jafar Dhia Jafar – the Baghdad-born nuclear physicist who masterminded Saddam Hussein’s nuclear weapons program. UAE-based port operator Gulftainer, a subsidiary of The Crescent Group, was awarded the 35- year no-bid lease at Port Canaveral in 2014 following two years of secret talks in a deal code-named “Project Pelican.” Treasury Secretary Jacob “Jack” Lew declined to conduct a Committee on Foreign Investment (CFIUS) National Security Threat Analysis that, under the Foreign Investment & National Security Act of 2007 (FINSA), is required for transactions affecting America’s critical infrastructure and U.S. national security.
“In a troubling indicator of unintended consequences emanating from the July 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, in September 2015, the UAE Ambassador to the U.S. told Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA) Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee via telephone call that, in light of the Iran nuclear deal, the UAE does not recognize restrictions on uranium enrichment at the UAE’s four brand new nuclear reactors.81 It was President Obama, against the wishes of Congress, who pushed through the “123 Agreement” that allowed the UAE to set up the reactors at the curiously-named Barakah Nuclear Power Plant. Hillary Clinton sent an email to Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills from her private server regarding UAE’s 123 agreement, but almost the entire message was redacted by the State Department.”