random. not Q related. but i need help from Q brothers and sisters. Are there any Energy Healers out there? I'm hurting. I'm hurting a lot. I could use some prayers of love and guidance from any. I could use positive energy sent my way. But if there is someone who has gifts of strengthening people like me, please help.
thank you brother.
thanks for the chuckle. hehe. And thank you for your prayers and energy.
thank you kind friend.
I am. I am right now. Usually i ask internally. But aloud i am speaking now. thank you.
thank you. I'm a bumbling crying mess right now from all the love shown from you and many others. Thank you. thank you. I'm trying so hard. And i've tried so hard in the past. I have just yet hit again another patch of negative.
lol. Has it happened? thanks for the chuckles mate.
Thank you all for the kinds words and prayers. I hope i haven't taken away from everyone's Q talk. I just didn't know where else to turn for extra prayers and energy and support.
now i'm sobbing. again. thank you friend. thank you