>>5146162 LAST BREAD
Latitude & Longitude (WGS84):
35° 43' 0 North , 118° 26' 33 West
Latitude & Longitude (decimal):
35.7166671753, -118.442497253
A former lode Au occurrence/mine located in secs. 28 & 33, T25S, R33E, MDM, 1.6 km (1.0 mile) NE of Wofford Heights, along the W canyon wall of the Kern River, on private (patented) land. The property is comprised of 54.3 acres patented in 1874. MRDS database stated accuracy for this location is 10,000 meters. Reported by a C.W. Kempton for the Content claim. Also claimed that the deposit could be worked by open cut method. These were old claims that were later consolidated into the Big Blue Mine holdings.
NOTE: The USGS MRDS database file lists this mine as the "Nellie Dent and Contact Mine;" however, in several places within that file it refers to the "Content" claim and the "Content" vein, not the "Contact."
Mineralization is a vein deposit hosted in granite. The ore body strikes N30E and dips 68W at a thickness of 30.48 meters and a length of 426.72 meters. The vein is low-grade from 40 to 100 feet thick. A massive outcrop of quartz, 50 feet thick, occurs on both claims. The ore shoot is 450 feet long. Local rocks include Mesozoic granitic rocks, unit 3 (Sierra Nevada, Death Valley area, Northern Mojave Desert and Transverse Ranges).
Workings include underground openings comprised of a shaft with 450 feet of drift and a 450 foot long stope.
Analytical data results: 50 feet on the Content vein assayed $5 (period values) per ton in Au.