Anonymous ID: 080298 March 30, 2019, 12:15 p.m. No.5980782   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0023 >>4333 >>0833



Video originally posted by The Impartial Truth. "Jesse Owens was cheered as loudly as any Aryan." - Lawrence N. Snyder; Jesse's coach. Saturday Evening Post Nov. 7th, 1936

Anonymous ID: 080298 March 30, 2019, 4 p.m. No.5983559   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3626


>Don't know why screencaps didn't show up, will try again, hmm…


I think it's either an embed or files but not both. The only way to get a movie & files is w/mp4 or webm.



>Is this it?


Thank you! The Protocols of Zion. Full Documentary, I think it might be the one. I had a quick thumb thru & it looks mighty similar and aprox same length. Altho from memory I think the one I saw was 1:38 in length. Funny how I remembered how long it was but not the title. I'll have to see it when I get a chance.


Do you know if it covers the MSM news too? I remember one scene (from the one I've been trying to find again) where a reporter is on the street (prob NY) and she's speaking with a dire urgency re the JQ in older footage from the 60s or 70s going by style of cloths & cars.




Wow, that dialog in screen caps is appalling. …bump.

Anonymous ID: 080298 March 30, 2019, 6:38 p.m. No.5985360   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7846 >>0833


I do not advocate nor condone violence in any form whatsoever!


However, here's a thought that many angry goyim share, Shlomo


…or Doug, or whatever TF you call your subversive kike ass.

Anonymous ID: 080298 March 30, 2019, 6:52 p.m. No.5985520   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5792 >>0023 >>4333 >>0833

Michael Collins Piper & Richard Krege: The Holohoax (44:34)


Treblinka Ground Radar Examination, Finds No Trace of Mass Graves


"A detailed forensic examination of the site of the wartime Treblinka camp, using sophisticated electronic ground radar, has found no evidence of mass graves there.


For six days in October 1999, an Australian team headed by Richard Krege, a qualified electronics engineer, carried out an examination of the soil at the site of the former Treblinka II camp in Poland, where, Holocaust historians say, more than half a million Jews were put to death in gas chambers and then buried in mass graves."


Outlandish Holocaust Claims - Some of the completely insane allegations include: Mass graves expelling geysers of blood; Erupting and exploding mass graves; An SS-father pot-shooting babies thrown into the air; Forcing prisoners to lick stairs clean, and collect garbage with their lips; Mass murder by tree cutting: forcing people to climb trees, then cutting the trees down; Etc, etc…

Anonymous ID: 080298 March 30, 2019, 6:57 p.m. No.5985584   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0023 >>4333 >>0833

Atom Spies Caught - 1951 (0:54)


In 1951 Jewish Americans Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were convicted and sentenced to death for conspiracy to commit espionage for the Soviet Union. Morton Sobell leaves New York's Federal Court; an electronics expert, he's accused with Julius Rosenberg, electrical engineer, of conspiring to give Russia vital secrets of the Atom Bomb. GV Court and street scenes. Morton Sobell escorted leaves court. Julius Rosenberg leaves court. Mrs Rosenberg leaves court and enters a police van.

Anonymous ID: 080298 March 30, 2019, 9:28 p.m. No.5987241   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> admitted he was a disinformation agent. Admitted all the stuff he said about UFOs was bunk


Didn't know those details. Makes a lot more sense, after knowing what I've learned.

Reverse cognitive dissonance resolved. Thanks fren

Anonymous ID: 080298 March 30, 2019, 9:31 p.m. No.5987259   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4333

Unplanned Censorship Victory


Read it like skimming a newspaper headlines, it's a good story:


  • @RealKyleMorris: BREAKING: Georgia House passes 'Heartbeat Bill' outlawing most abortions after 6 weeks


  • @Liz_Wheeler: Every voter in America needs to watch this! (2:05) [Fact Checking - Planned Parenthood is a deceptive name, it's main purpose is to kill as many "undesirable gentile" babies as possible]


  • @_AshleyBratcher: Trying to figure out why the @UnplannedMovie account has been suspended. ?!? We need answers. #unplannedmovie


  • Producers: Music Labels Blacklisting Pro-Life ‘Unplanned’ with License Rejections: Producers of the anti-abortion film Unplanned say major music publishing labels have denied licensing rights to music for the movie.


  • @LisaMei62: The suprise R rating was purely political. [They] don't want younger viewers to see this movie. Hopefully parents will bring their teens to see it.


  • @LisaMei62: [They] really hate that this movie was made.

  • Official Unplanned Movie trailer. Opened in theaters yesterday. (2:27)


  • TV Networks Reject Ads for Anti-Abortion Movie. "…outside of the Fox News Channel, every other mainstream television outlet has declined to air the ad."


  • @LisaMei62: Three hours ago @UnplannedMovie account was restored. The earlier suspension brought far more attention to the movie than there would've been (due to limited ads) if Twitter had left them alone. The number of followers almost quadrupled in the past 3 hours! #StreisandEffect -


  • @ButInReality: That's the Qanon effect baby! The information dissemination program designed to bypass the lying MSM and all their control mechanisms. We the people are the news and we stand united to help wake our brothers and sisters up to the truth. Trust the plan, you're watching the power being restored to the people.


  • @ugitsisgv: Thanks to every single Patriot who took a stand and fought for this one. The victory is yours. We are far stronger than most of us realize. .

Anonymous ID: 080298 March 30, 2019, 11:17 p.m. No.5988085   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8743 >>4333 >>0833

Freemasonry-exposed.webm (8:02 - 8.18 MB)


Turn-in-your-guns-goyim.mp4 (0:41 - 7.24 MB)


For those unaware, while the .mp4 or .webm is open (playing or paused), right click on it and select "Save Video As…" to add to your collections. Archiving offline is the best way to beat the censoring kikery.



>Still need to finish The Greatest Story Never Told (fucking heartbreaking, only 1/3 through).


That's been on my "to watch" list for awhile now. My problem is every time I see a really good one I find myself transcribing &/or taking a butt-load of screen shots & it takes forever to get through. I finally finished that "NWO Communism By The Backdoor Full Documentary" (@ 4:48:05) & it took weeks. LOL


I saw "The Lobby" & it was very good insight. Not sure if I saw all parts so I guess it's now on my "to review" list.


I swear, self edu-tainment/research is FAR more entertaining that the official MSM "entertainment" brainwashing BS. I used to have my TV on all the time, kept wearing out the mute buttons for all the ads too. Now I only turn it on for the weather & to keep an eye on what the enemy is up to. And when I do watch their news, spotting lie after lie after lie, I soon reach the point where I can take it no more so back off it goes. I get a similar reaction to movies and shows, and ads too, by noticing all the subversion & subliminal messages. It's a pity most people are still oblivious to it and accept it for the sake of amusement and actually believe the narrative is what's trending.


Thankfully, what's actually trending is the goyim are waking up everywhere, worldwide. Funny how the more crap they pull, the more people see it. It's not so much they don't know when to stop, they just can't stop, it's who they are. Enjoy your weekend anons.