• Malcolm X on Jews (7:40)
1965 speech about the Jewish control of negro communities in America and Jewish control of the media.
Free download - https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=DNPuXcN9QhY
• Malcolm X on Jews (7:40)
1965 speech about the Jewish control of negro communities in America and Jewish control of the media.
Free download - https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=DNPuXcN9QhY
• Is It Antisemitic To Say Zionist Jews Control USA Foreign Policy? (1:55) - US-Foreign-Policy.mp4 (4.58 MB)
• Hitler's first anti-Semitic letter (1:18) - Hitlers-Jew-letter.mp4 (4.33 MB) - "A letter written and signed in 1919 by Adolf Hitler, the earliest ever found expressing his anti-Semitic ideas, goes on display for the general public for the first time." - But in reality, a weasely Jew portrays a letter from Hitler as a smoking gun to distract from the fact they were just getting kicked out of yet another country as always happens when the goyim get sick of being Jewed by their endless fuckery. "The total removal of Jews from society," speaks clearly for itself. "Removal" means to deport or kick-out, not execute. It would be different if it said "the total elimination," but it didn't. …stupid kike/liar.
• Charlie Sheen got Jewed (0:30) - by Seth MacFarlane - Charlie-Sheen-jew.mp4 (1.64 MB)
• Charlie Sheen IS Jewish IBA News (1:19) - Charlie-is-Jewish.mp4 (3.06 MB) This video clip was aired on IBA English News out of Jerusalem on March 7th, 2011. IBA stands for "Israel Broadcasting Authority". I guess when Charlie calls his "Jewish" producer by his Hebrew name "Chaim" which in Hebrew means "life" he Charlie is a "self loathing" "Jew" since it's hard to call a "Jew" an anti-Semite.