Oy Vey (1:50) "immigration"
I'm not into law, but what possible reason would there be to "suppress evidence?" That kind of "motion" sounds criminal in any regard. All evidence should be considered, IMO.
ABC 774 - Oy Vey! Shut it down! (1:15)
>I'm so fucking tired.
It makes us all sick but the fat lady hasn't sung yet. More people are waking up every day and critical mass is coming. When? Who knows, this is a suspense movie. Even with the cucking, big things are habbening.
Snow White and the Seven Jews (2:40)
>you don't unwind a 70 year old psyop in a weekend.
70 years is being too generous. The press (media) has been zio-controlled since prior to 1898. Rothchild, Illuminati & the restructured Masons began in the 1700s. I think this (Protocols of Zion) psyop is nearer 3 centuries old.
Ernst Zündel & David Irving (1994) (27:42)
Here's another one with insight into the strong-arm Jew tactics of silencing those that speak against their Jewstablishment of Ju-lies:
Youtube BANNED This David Cole Video in Europe & Israel &…(21:40)