Anonymous ID: 582b38 March 18, 2019, 8:03 p.m. No.5765583   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7256

Trust the Purple Anon not Jared's plan for you. I trusted Q for too long and feel like an asshole now but that's the thing about the truth it often is uncomfortable to face in the light of day. I served for 20 years, 5 in staff role at Pentagon, the Anon in those thread 100% works for/with CIA and unlike Q he gave proof by answering questions and giving intimate details not cryptic babbling. If you take the time to read through everything is clearly spelled out. Trump was legit there was a resistance against hildabeast and the Anon in question was part of the Trump team. After the election Trump started fucking over all of his supporters and people like the Anon for jews, bankers, big business, and most importantly Jared and Ivanka. Anon has proven Jared came to Trump and offered him help in primaries. Anon also answered questions about Seth Rich and explained wikileaks. This is where the proof got too real for me as I called a friend I have on the DC PD from my time at the Pentagon and he confirms they believe Rich was meeting his drug dealer just like Purple Anon says but this isn't public information; he asked me how I knew and got very upset when I said it was on internet. If you are not convinced after reading these threads that Q is a shill then there is no hope for you or us.

Research this fellow bakers because it is the bread from Christ himself.