Anonymous ID: 98df4c March 7, 2019, 9:44 a.m. No.5559177   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9684 >>0140



Yeah I noticed his invincibility to against the kikes strongest weapon (antisemitism accusation) and realized that if we DID indeed have a hero he would have to initially look something like this. A true infiltration.


but… i'll level with other anons. Being woke to the JQ this early on is really hard. I trust the Don, I trust the plan, and I defend it on other forums and in real life as best I can, but I think all of us get kind of scared when trump bends his knee to the jews. Even if we know it's strategy.


Once you learn what the jewish bolsheviks did, it makes you feel like you're being lead to the next gulag. White, straight, JQ woke patriots would be their first target if they won. It's a tough weight to bare.


Remember God wins guys

You're never alone