Anonymous ID: f185bb March 20, 2019, 7:10 p.m. No.5800679   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3285 >>0833


>ThankQ for the Eric Hunt clip, fren.


A patriotic goy's pleasure. Here's another eye-opener everyone should see.

Sorry, it's too big to post as a file & it won't embed here, but check this short clip out in full screen mode, kick back & enjoy:


Justice For Germans (4:20)


>Loyola a 'converso'… It's all coming together.


I was having around 2-3 epiphanies p/week about a year ago then they tapered off. Seeing this vid last night sparked another one. It's another suppressed puzzle piece that helps to understand the bigger picture.


It dawned on me that Hitler was vilified so much because he did the right thing. He did what needed to be done for his people. He kicked the lying murdering rat bastard serpents & all their imposed kikery the hell out of his country and the Germans LOVED him for it. That's why we had WW2. …well, that and to steal Palestine of course.


Since Trump is pushing back hard against [them] more than any other prez, in that regard a Hitler comparison is appropriate. Thru love tho, by and for the will of the people. And all [their] evil was merely projected onto Hitler (their opponent) through the media exactly like they're doing to Trump.


They vilify David Duke because he speaks direct truth and stands firm against their White Genocide program in support of White European heritage. Every race has a right to be proud of their heritage and has the right to preserve it. And they call him the racist when they are by far the most racist scumbags on the planet.


It was the Jews who declared war on Hitler's Germany and used other countries like pawns to do it, with the added bonus of mass ritual sacrifice of Christian goyim. And that same psychopathology is as active today as it ever was pushing to exterminate White people and Christianity. It's nonstop. And [they] will NEVER stop!


I hope the US is the official 110th, and the sooner the better.